
8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full name:

Nouveau - "Echo"


Kiamara by pandoras-island




Untalkitive - Childlike - Odd - Playful - Night Owl - Mysterious - Mischievous


Echo is an eccentric kia to put it short. She lives a thick jungle swamp, loving the murky waters and damp atmosphere. At night is when she thrives - possibly because her own glowing coat fascinates her when darkness takes over. When she runs over the tree branches in the dark and sees her flashing reflection racing over the waters... something just clicks for her. During the day she is lethargic and inactive like a spell is put over her, in contrast. She believes in voodoo and witches and black magic and is very fearful, though intrigued, of its power. Part of her has a suspicion that it is closer to her than she knows. Her birth is masked with uncertain circumstances and it is still a mystery how she glows, among other oddities she possesses. Echo isn't much of a talker, and unfortunately she is rather inarticulate when she does choose to speak. She has grown up all her life in the swamp and that has left her secluded from meeting a lot of others (not to mention she's a little scary at first when found alone in the bayou with her striking looks) but she is no less smart than any other normal Kiamara, just in different ways perhaps. She is playful and friendly, just hard to get to know. She also is described as having a childlike innocence where she believes in magic and puts too much trust in strangers, sort of thing. She is selectively mute becasue of these things, too.



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