Rebecca(hold)'s Comments

Heya ik I just offered a fullbody for another oc but would you be willing to also accept another fullbody + a halfbody for this oc aswell? It's cool if not ^^

I'm more or less looking for trades for her uwu but what's ur TOT? :0 depending on how soon u can get art done I might think about trading her for arts after ur done with the other one!

Usually less than a week I'm a pretty fast drawer ^^! + I dont have any other art to do! But I completely understand if you'd prefer trades sadly I have no one to trade tho :p

Edit: I wanna clarify I mean no other art besides what I owe you lol

if noone else is interested in her for trade by the time you get done with the first arts id be down to trade her for art ^^

Full body I'd love one of this gal:

And half body I'd love for this gal!:

Sorry I not comfortable drawing the 2nd oc as it goes against my morals ^^' any other ocs you'd like me to draw instead?

Oh No worries I understand! If u can still do the first one for full body

And this bean for the half body? (Their my lil welcome home OC uwu)

Tyty just sexualising a group of women who try not to be sexualised makes me uncomfortable but the design is very pretty incase you think I'm saying it's not lol! 

I can still draw the 1st oc for the full DW ^^ and I'll happily draw your welcome home oc! I love welcome home uvu! 

Same TOT as last time! Should be less than a week 2 at the most! :p

Oh no your perfectly fine I don't take any offense to i know it's a kind of a controversial thing haha 

And awesome! Tysmmmm 

Ah I noticed a mistake in the 1st drawing I made you would you mind if I quickly fixed it and responded it? I accidentally left the Fishnet layer hidden

Yea that's perfectly fine If u wanna do that, you don't have to fix it tho if u don't want to the fishnets are optional lol 

2 Replies

heya I have finished both I hope you like them ^^

Beautifullllll! I'll send her over to u now! 

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