


6 years, 11 months ago


Diablise Campanaria ♦♦ ALIAS ♦♦they/them♦♦ AGE
 D.O.B.: their birthday JOB:Necromancer's assistant
Undead caniform magic mutant  HOME:where do they live
 STATUS:It's complicated ORIENTATION:Death and death accessories
[MBTI] ♦♦ [SUN    | MOON    | RISING    ] ♦♦ [BLOOD TYPE None♦♦ [Neutral Evil]
 POSITIVES:Practical, polite, intelligent NEGATIVES:Malicious, treacherous, prideful
 LIKES: Disemboweling, the dark arts, soft fabrics DISLIKES:being slighted, baby talk, being held back
 HISTORY: Before their death, they were a normal dog and the much beloved pet of a little boy. The boy fell ill, however, and his mother, unable to bear having any reminder of him around, set the dog loose. Their fortunes deteriorated quickly from there, as they weren't used to fending for themselves at all, and eventually a gang of older, crueller children killed and dismembered them.

Their body was then found by a power necromancer's young daughter. The daughter had tried on her own to raise the dog, but being a novice such as she was the first attempt failed terribly. Bringing the dog home, her mother was able to fix the worst of the mutations her daughter had inflicted, although there were some side effects as a result of having had to use a few...leftover parts she'd had laying around. One of these being that the dog, though now animate and properly undead, had become a fully sapient being.

Initially, all Diablise knew was rage, though rage at what she could not recall. The magical bindings the necromancer had placed on her prevented her from ever harming her or her daughter, but she remained initially quite bitter at her sudden new lease on unlife. Still, the daughter loved what she considered her new friend, and over time Diablise came to reciprocate that same care, though remaining a bit frosty if professional with the necromancer herself.
  • Sometimes sneaks out to hang out with an interdimensional alien dog
  • Keeps her nails in surprisingly good shape
 POWERS:Supernatural toughness and speed WEAKNESS: Explosives, holy magic
❝ song lyrics, a quote, or something they'd say can go here 

 husband;;how did they meet, how did the relationship progress, how do they feel about one another now?  best friend;;the name titles and emojis used are just examples, do whatever you want. click the smiley face on the ribbon for more of them. 
 crush;;to add sections just click in this table so that the little bar comes up. then click the three horizontal lines and do "add row". child;;this really does look best with only two columns due to width, but rows could be added infinitely.
 worst enemy;;symbols and name and whatnot can be changed. if you really wanted you could do it homestuck style and do card suits. parent;;description of relationship. description of relationship. description of relationship. description of relationship.

OBTAINED:Gifted by West!!!
STATUS:not up for trade/sale
VALUE: estimated or exact value