


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Deception

Species: Night/Rain hybrid 

Pronouns: they/she 

Gender: Demigirl

Sexuality: Lesbian 

Age: 12 (dragon years) 25 (human years)

Personality: Deception is a very nervous, submissive dragon. Years of both emotional and psychological abuse has made them rather jumpy and a rule stickler. Deception doesn’t really stand up for themselves, and will follow pretty much any orders given to them by a nightwing. They are under a lot of stress and have panic attacks frequently and severe emotional trauma.

Appearance: Deception is a medium sized dragon with rainwing like wings and a longer than normal tail for a nightwing. They have nightwing colors for the most part, though their teardrop scales are more circular than normal. Her horns curve up at the end. They are mostly black with a purplish underbelly, purple freckles, wings reminiscent of a purple nebula, and black horns with a purple tint. Her eyes are indigo with a magenta ring around her pupil. Her right ear has a bite taken out of it. They can pass for a slightly odd nightwing. 

Powers: Deception can blend into darkness, though not as well as a purebred nightwing. They can spit out a sticky liquid similar to rainwing venom that is very flammable and burns like fire. When feeling a strong emotion, Deception’s teardrop scales and under eye scales will turn a very slight shade of a color depending on the emotion. They can’t control this.

History: Deception’s father was a moderately high ranking nightwingn named Shadowcaster. He and his wife, Truthseeker, are obsessed  with power and status. So of course, they had a few pet rainwings. Shadowcaster had a favorite rainwing, Mango, who he often had… quality time with. When Mango had an egg, Shadowcaster and Truthseeker kept it quiet, afraid that it might affect their status with the other nightwings. After Deception hatched, she was immediately whisked away from her mother after seeing how much they took after their father. Young Deception was put in a room by herself. She wasn’t alone for long, however.

Shadowcaster and Truthseeker had a young daughter, Darksinger. Being only 2, Darksinger was curious and not inclined to be obedient. When Darksinger entered the room and saw the small black dragonet unattended, she did what most two year old dragonets would do. She immediately ran to what she assumed was her new younger sibling and snuggled. 

Meanwhile, Shadowcaster and Truthseeker had decided on eliminating the young hybrid. When they went back in the room and saw how happy their daughter was, however, they changed their minds. Darksinger could have a pet. Darksinger was thrilled.

The next morning when Darksinger went to school, she told all the other dragonets about her new sister. The news spread that Shadowcaster and Truthseeker had a dragonet. When some of the couple’s friends starting coming over with gifts for their new dragonet, they changed tactics and decided that the only way to save face would be to claim the young dragonet as their own, instead of having wild rumors about where they came from spread. 

Truthseeker named the dragonet Deception, as a reminded of her nightwing heritage. 

When Deception proved to be unable to breathe regular fire, Truthseeker and Shadowcaster kept Deception close until they could control it, and claimed that the young dragonet had suffered a bad disease which wrecked her ability to spout fire. As far as the public knows, Deception is has no breathe weapon.

Deception was always treated poorly when in private. In public, they were the beloved child of two high ranking nightwings. As soon as the family was safe from the prying eyes of the nightwing nobles, who were always looking for new gossip, Deception become little more than a servant to the older nightwings. Truthseeker and Shadowcaster would treat her as a servant, never letting Deception sit with them, reminding her of their place as a second class citizen. Darksinger was a little better, treating them as a beloved younger sibling most of the time and shielding them from the worst of her parents’ anger. Sometimes, though, Darksinger will get upset and hit or bite Deception. At the age of 10, Darksinger has a tantrum and ripped out a good chunk of Deception’s left ear. She apologized after but faced no consequences.

Deception takes it all lying down. They have no one to talk to. The rainwings don’t talk to them, as they resent what Deception represents. The other nightwings all see Deception as one of them. They know that they are in a precarious position as of they were found out she would surely be put in a worse position. 

Darksinger still lives with her parents, mostly to protect Deception, but is facing increasing pressure from the couple to move out.  Darksinger, for all her faults, does want Deception to move out with her, but her parents don’t want that. The siblings are worried that Truthseeker and Shadowcaster are plotting an “accident” for the young hybrid once Darksinger moves out. 

Truthseeker and Shadowcaster have announced to the public that their beloved, sickly child will hopefully stay with them her whole life. Deception has no way out.