


6 years, 7 months ago


    Felisiraptor ~ Created: Sometime around 2005-2006   

History: This oddly-proportioned feline emerged from my childhood imagination around the time I was in 1st or 2nd grade. I have always been a cat person so it's not surprising that this creature is based on a cat. The original concept actually looked more like a leopard, had talons for feet, and had feathers; it was more of a cross between a cat and an ostrich. This idea, along with the idea for a "flying fox", sat in the back of my mind until around October of 2015, when I decided that I would give this idea a shot and draw it. It is now a main OC in one of my fictional stories.

*This section is very lengthy and full of detail-you may skip it if you'd like.*

About: The Felisiraptor is a sub-species of the domestic feline that retains the ability to walk on two legs (bipedalism). Named by John Gladys, a combination of "felis" (a genus comprising domestic cats and its wild counterparts) and "velociraptor", referencing the way in which it stands and runs. They came about as a genetic misconception of housecats when cloning their DNA, and due to the nature of their genetics, most existing felisiraptors are sterile. Quite a few are kept by people, and they require a lot of interaction and training so to keep them from becoming feral and wild.

Much like a domestic feline, these big cats are very intelligent animals. Though not capable of speaking a language, they can comprehend it well. They can also learn and understand body language and gestures. They have the loyalty of a dog and a loving yet strong personality. Since they are known to be very independent yet still take commands, they are mainly used in the work force.

Physical Aspect: There are no major differences between males and females. 

-They are about 60-68 in. at the shoulder, and can weigh between 275-350 lbs. 

-They are built much the same way domestic cats are, with some obvious distinctions. 

-They have 5 toes on each front foot (much like a domestic cat), and 3 on each back foot. They also have retractable claws on their front feet. The claws on their back feet are not retractable, they assist in traction when running.

-They have very strong hind legs, and a heavy tail to assist in balance. Their top running speed is around 45mph, and they can sprint for up to 5 minutes. 

-They have long, thick hair, which can range in color from black to white, and in pattern from stripes to spots to a solid color.

-They are omnivores, and eat the same things that regular housecats eat.

-They are very flexible.

-They have a very good sense of hearing, sight, and smell.

-It is unknown how long they can live for.

Personality: They seem to be much more loyal to their owners than their quadrupedal counterparts, though not as dependent as a dog. They can be very stubborn, but are fully capable of following commands that demand their assistance. Much like horses, felisiraptors can be saddle-broken and ridden. However, their understanding of human language is highly comprehensive, so they are not trained in the same fashion (for example, they are not trained to respond to pressure points). Felisiraptors don't live to please their owners; they often act stubborn simple because it's in their nature. They are, however, good listeners, and always respond immediately in a crisis situation. 

Like a housecat, they like to feel connected to their owners, and their mood can vary between wanting complete independence and demanding full attention. When not performing a task given to them, they can often be found stalking small animals and birds, climbing trees, interacting with other cats and animals around their size, and being driven by curiosity.