


2 years, 6 months ago



The Final Dawn

  •  Name   Calastre (ca-las-truh) 
  •  Scent  Before Dawn
  •  Body Type   Monster 
  •  Gender   Male (He/Him) 
  •  Relationship Status   -- 
  •  Personality 
    Fierce, growly, always meeting life with suspicion—that best sums up Calastre's attitude about the world and his place in it. He is not one to be trifled with, and while he has a quiet sort of temper, it's still volatile in its own right. There is an air of nobleness surrounding Calastre, however. His pride and ego give him a sense of importance when interacting with other people. Whether he is actual royalty or not is hard to say.
  • +Dignified ◘ +Confrontational ◘ +Intense ◘ +Resilient
  •  Traits 

    • Grade S Dragon Wings

    • Grade S Horns

    • Grade A Mermaid

    • Grade B Bone

    • Grade B Crystal

    • Grade C Bioluminescence

    • Grade C Particle
  •  Likes   TBD 
  •  Dislikes   TBD 
  •  Backstory 
    Role in the Hive: 
  • Head of Warriors/Bodyguard

  • Like his brother, Calastre was not meant to exist. However, whereas Atelier was given to the coven, Calastre was deposited in a much more barren, less-populated area. It was practically a banishment without any official decree. Their parents, for some unknown reason, kept the hatching of the grubs apart. Perhaps after abandoning their first, they felt guilty about their second, which prompted them to give Atelier to the coven. Nonetheless, Calastre's upbringing was just as tumultuous, if not more.
  • To survive, Calastre needed to learn quickly and doggedly. The lands he grew up in were not completely barren, and thus, he developed a sense for being not trifled with—particularly through his brutality. As a grub, he left little to be desired. As a fully grown adult, however, pent up frustration manifested into a fighting spirit that quickly gained respect across the lawless wastelands.
  • In time, Calastre abandoned the wastelands to roam. A buzzing in the back of his head took him in different directions until, finally, the buzzing stopped once he found the Willow Coterie. The hive was no family, but it was home at least. It gave him more purpose than he found where he had been.
  • Atelier   Brother 
    Calastre did not know that Atelier was his brother initially. How could he? Yet with the similarities between them, their upbringing, and that damned buzzing that soothed when they were near each other made their familial connection a curious one. Calastre does not resent Atelier for being better off, and delights that there is rage beneath that soft exoskeleton he wears. But as far as relationships go, the two are peaceable enough. Not close, but he tolerates.
  • Fleuviere   Adopted Sister 
    Calastre had his reservations about Fleuvi...

  • Children 
  • N/A...

  •  Trivia 
    • ● Nicknames include Astre (pronounced: as-tur).

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