Creamer's Comments

Ooh such a cutie, I can offer 2 headshots or a half body maybe? Ofc I can offer more! Apologies if it seems like I’m lowballing, if I am it’s unintentional and lmk if you’d like me to boost the art amount up!/gen 

Hey! I'll keep him open for now to allow time for more offers but I'll consider yours <3

I gave it some time and I'd like to take your offer! Just lmk if you're still interested <3

Hihi yes I am still interested! What type of art would you be looking for! The 2 headshots, halfbody, or something else?/pos

I'd prefer the half body! This guy if you're alright with him!

Ooh can do! Clothes or no clothes?

Clothes please <3

8 Replies