#1347 Begonia



2 years, 9 months ago


Begonia Seeye

Age: 30

Element: Earth

Role: Supporter

Rank: A

Skill: ????????

(Skill Description)


?????????? (Element: ???????)


?????????? (Element: ???????)


?????????? (Element: ????????)


????????? (Element: ?????????)



Power: ??

Magic: ??

Defense: ??

Magic Defense: ??

Health: ??

Speed: ???

Begonia is a hypnotist Channeler from the desert, helping weary travelers get their much needed rest after a long trek through the endless sands. She is motherly and caring, using her powerful mind to telepathically lead wandering Channelers to safer grounds. By gazing into her pendulum's gemstone, she can see throughout almost all of the desert, never needing to move as she peacefully guides lost Channelers back home or towards areas without dangerous sandstorms or battle hungry Channelers lurking about. Many also come to Begonia to help them sleep, as many of her patients suffer from insomnia or just can't get themselves some shut eye. With just a bit of focus and a little psychic power, Begonia can ease any sleepless night into hours of sweet dreams!! In her free time, she loves doing a little belly dancing here and there...but claims she's "too old" for it!! In battle, Begonia hypnotizes her opponents into a deep slumber, forcing them to focus on her pendulum swinging back and forth....and back and...forth...and....whew...is anyone else...getting extremely tired...?