"Preacher" (ufo)



2 years, 9 months ago


Accepting offers, details in bulletin (offer there not here)



"Zera", "Gabriel", "Genesis" and many, many other fake names, male? (she/he, sometimes they), no younger than 40 years old

The great, all loving and all welcoming leader of the Church of Divine Light, the home of the people. Situated in a small rural town, the church, though small, has attracted people from all over the country, with each newcomer being welcomed with open arms.

In reality, neither she nor her church are all that they seem, as just beneath the surface hides something far darker than anyone could imagine looking in. Zera promises ascension from the mortal realm and riddance of all worldly desires through endless indulgence in them, encouraging the most depraved urges of her followers during their Feasts of Indulgence — a monthly ritual in which members of the church partake in things ranging from gluttony to orgies and cannibalism.

Every new member of the church is infected with a mignyan crab and given a new name during their first Feast, and those that do not survive it, be it new or old members, are either consumed or used as fertilizer; though occasionally the bodies are instead handed over to a certain undertaker for a proper burial — which is usually only done to avoid suspicion.

Gabriel is incredibly charismatic and intelligent, knowing exactly what to say and when to say it to get any average person to do as he says without question. He is also incredibly patient, often biding his time and conducting his schemes gradually to ensure their complete success. It's very hard to make him angry, however he absolutely despises it when people disobey his orders or if anything he plans goes awry. Occasionally though, Gabriel shows signs of instability, which he's quick to hide under a curt smile. To those who don't know him, he's a friendly and welcoming person, often smiling politely and speaking softly. It's only those few that had a glimpse of his true nature that know that beneath this sickly sweet facade hides a vile monster with no regard to those around him.

Zera is a mignyan cannibal, frequently consuming the crabs of those of their followers who either perished during the Feast or showed way too much disobedience — an act which they convinced the rest of the church's members was to help their souls unite with the rest in the collective consciousness of the ascension. In reality, none of what they preach is something they actually believe in, and the god they worship as well as the dogma of the church is preaching is merely used as a mouthpiece for Zera's manipulation.



Having grown up in a small, poor family in a very rural town, the Gabriel of back then did not receive a proper education, and was instead encouraged by his family to work at the local church, to which he dedicated himself fully, eventually becoming a priest there at the time when the church was merely a quiet and unremarkable place of worship for a commonplace religion. He served the Lord faithfully and meekly, being afraid of both His wrath and the judgement of his fellow priests. However, one day, the young man was attacked by a creature unknown to him, after which the Gabriel everyone knew disappeared forever. The new Gabriel was infectiously charismatic, and quickly used his people skills to win over the hearts of both the church's attendees and its workers. Over time, as he gained power and influence with the people, he began to warp the teachings that he preached, gradually straying further and further from the original texts.


Under Zera's new rule, the church twisted into something unrecognizable, adopting a new name and practicing rituals that would make anyone's skin crawl. Although the church's infamy is only in rumors, with no outsider ever getting even a glimpse at Zera's and its practices. Meanwhile, seeking to expand the church's reach to accommodate for the spread of the infection as well as her growing appetite for her fellow crabs, Zera sought out to make connections with other influential mignyans, offering for them to partake in the Feasts of Indulgence as well as gain support from the church's followers in exchange for spreading the word. Some connections made by Zera also supply the church with new crabs, some of which are taken from their past hosts against their will.. Not that it's an issue for Zera, as she knows how to make anyone blindly listen to her no matter how troublesome their past was.


The continuous madness of the Feasts will gradually take a major toll on Genesis. It and the mounting pressure and distrust from both outsiders and members of the church will inevitably cause them to crack. As more and more members of the church begin to resist their rule and leave the church en masse, Genesis will go down a spiral of madness, beginning to believe every lie they've preached and genuinely thinking that they're a higher being en route to ascension. Acting more manic and unhinged, Genesis will soon start being considered a liability by their past connections, who will be quick to cut them off. Eventually, Genesis will meet their end, either taken out by one of their acquaintances or losing themselves fully to the Feast and being consumed by their remaining followers alive.


  • In a lot of influential circles, Gabriel is referred to simply as "Preacher". While he is frequently shown to be annoyed by the nickname, does not actually mind it as it provides an added layer of anonymity
  • He is 6'3".. In heels. Absolutely refuses to be seen without them or with no other platform boots on
  • Despite being around 40 years old, Zera looks far younger than that. The reasons for that are unknown, but it probably has something to do with them being infected
  • She despises any strong scents, outright banning the usage of potent perfumes inside her church
  • The fluid sometimes leaking from their forehead is a mixture of blood, mignyan crab slime and brain juices. While it doesn't leak very often, usually it happens when Genesis loses their cool and acts more unhinged than usual. Whether it's a direct cause of that behavior or merely a symptom of it is unclear
  • Despite encouraging the church's followers to act out whatever depraved desires they please, Gabriel actually finds most of the actions carried out by her followers repulsive, openly mocking the actions committed during the Feasts whenever none of her followers are around to hear it
  • more TBA

