
2 years, 6 months ago



"never give out all the information"

name: Bazza
nickname: Baz
age: Ageless
gender: Trans male
species: Shapeshifter
orientation: AroAce
relationship status: Single
occupation: Wanderer

Baz is a strange being, able to travel at wil between universes, stories, seemingy for their own amusment. His alignment is unkown, usually doing whatever he decides is entertaning, wether that is helping good or eveil; he dosn't see the world as black and white.

He primarly walks in the form of a feline, however has the ability to shift into diffrent creatures, keeping the same basic pallet.


A true chaotic nuteral, Baz is prone to act on his own valition, never malicicoulsey, just doing what he finds fun. He dosn't see anyone as truly good or bad, and he himself walks the line of morality and pushes it's boundaries.

Overall, he is a friendly spirit, offering his help to whoever he can but never attaches himslef to one place for too long and usually leavs after a short span of time.


  • Rain
  • The stars
  • Bugs
  • The heat
  • Styrofoam
  • closed spaces

  • He often has unusual nightmares
  • Baz is an impulsive gambler
  • He cannot drink anything with ice in it nut will chew ice by itself
Design Notes

  • Hot hat is completley opt!
  • You can draw him with aditional fearures, hes a shapeshifter so go wild
  • He is pretty fluffy
  • he also sometimes wears round glasses! (poor guy cant see very well)

Baz has a medium to small build in his feline form, but can ajust certain features for temportary amounts of tme suck as claws, teeth and small wings. His fur is medium thickness but it bushes out around the tail specifically, adn he also has a little bit of chub to him.

He occasionally chooses to wear accesories, most noticabley a red beenie that he keeps around to keep him cozy (and he thinks it looks cool) and he jokes that his under eye markings are eye bags..



Baz has been around since as long as he can remember, not particuallarly ageing, not gowing, not shrinking either. Where he came from is a mystery he has never solved, and part of his never wnats to. He spent his ealier days of conciouness honing in on his powers, bamfing in and out of time and space and learning how to shift his form as well as making friends, some of which were nicer than others.

A change in heart

As one mya guess, being ageless and possibly immortal leaves someone with alot of time to think things though, and eventually, after facing difficut choices and heartbreak he realised that no one was ever really kind or unkind, no bad or good, and he stopped trying to pay hero in every story he came across.

Instead, he traveled for amusment, filling his days and toying with others whenever he was bored.


Presently, Baz wanders around space, hopping from place to place doing what he pleases, however that part of his that wonders about his origins beccomes louder and more noticable everyday.


Stitches Friend

Baz met stitches in a stange world, stranger than most, a plaec full of creative coloured felines and big personalities. There he foudn stitches, a lonley being who had anxiety as bad as a group of termites in a forest. Baz bonded with Sitches and found himslf enjoying the more timid cats company, often going back to visit.

Archie Rival

On his travels, Baz bumped into another timewalker, one who seemed to be alot more stuck up in his ways. At first, teh two butted heads whenever they bumped into eachother, however, after a while, they gained a mutual respect for eachother.

Now theyre closer to rivals, Archie having a strength in thechnology and Baz having a better claw on the arcane.

Valentine Ex-Friend?

valentine was one of BAz's ealier friends, who would take advantage of the latters powers. Alothough not a malicious entity, Val saw more benifit to having Baz as an asset rather than a friend which hurt Baz and eventually he left. Ocassinaly, Baz will see him also wandering around the planes but he has yet built up the courage to talk to him.