


2 years, 4 months ago


Darien Arrowshard
Human (Genetically enhanced clone)

Darien is the protagonist of my main story, and he is not a cat: however, I enjoy drawing him as a cat. Catifying my own OCS. All OCs are to become scrunkly.

"I know we're the crooked kind."

Darien, cloned in the image of one of the last humans left alive after Earth fell to an alien disease, is a war machine living among his brothers (the Dariens) aboard a ship named the Rabbit. After the Rabbit's explosion, he finds himself taken in by a space hospital, where he meets many people, some who come to love him and some who detest him very strongly. Despite meeting the very person his brothers have been preparing for hundreds of years to kill in the name of justice, he finds he cannot.


 Charisma  70%

 Intelligence   80% 

 Creativity   20% 

 Patience   60% 



Darien always give off an befuddled sort of vibe: life outside the Rabbit is very new to him. He is very quiet, and does not want to annoy or disturb others, so he keeps to himself. Because of his upbringing, he respects authority and does what he's told, by whoever it is that directs him. People tend to like him very easily because of his quiet nature. He carries with him a very deep grief for his brothers aboard the rabbit that he assumes are dead, and, when he comes to learn more about himself, a lot of survivors guilt. He is easily startled. Despite all this, when he is pushed to the limits or his life is in danger, he can become very 'dangerous' rather quickly, and tends to resort to physical violence quicker than most would, which only exacerbates his guilt.


  • medical work
  • sparkling water
  • Rose <3


  • Sharp objects
  • Dirty environments
  • confrontation


  • Nurse
  • Surgeon aide
  • Lab assistant


  • The original Darien was an astronaught that volunteered himself to be cryogenically frozen. The original Darien was supposed to live, however he died due to complications soon after being awaken from freezing. This was a bit before Darien's time.
  • There are around 200 Dariens currently, although many perished when the Rabbit exploded. Darien is the one among them who physically resembles the original Darien the most.
  • He is very gifted at open heart surgery and takes a particular liking to it.

Design Notes

  • Can be drawn human, feral or anthro.
  • Scars on his chest and collar glow involuntarily in the dark (cat vers.)
  • You can vary his outfit. Catified version can wear clothes as well if you will it.






Chocolate Cookie


Sparkling water



Time of Day




girlfriend/later wife

They met aboard the Hopital, where Rose taught Darien not just the ins and outs of nursing and lab research but also about the world and space at large. Darien fell in love with her pretty much at first glance, adoring her in a way he didn't even really understand, and it took a while for Rose to reciprocate these feelings, but they crept up on her all the same.


Good lird.

The original Darien was the beloved boyfriend of Felix. Felix, who spawned a generation of clones as he did, survived in a way the OG Darien did not. When she woke up from cyrogenic sleep thousands of years in the future with an army of her clones about her, it was hard for her to seperate this Darien from the OG one, and as a result she hates Darien deeply, as if a stranger has replaced her partner and is wearing his skin. Wants to kill Rose (as her planet caused the destruction of earth many years ago) and tries to convince Darien to help her.

One of the only surviving Dariens, who crash-landed on an alien desert planet and started working at a church there. Darien Arrow and Darien Glass meet by chance, and it is the most incredible and thankful event in both of their lives. They are so glad to be reunited and always visit each other later in life. Glass is laid back and almost acts like an older brother to Arrow, even though they emerged from the clone goop at the same time. He is placid and very religious.