Tax Fraud



2 years, 4 months ago


she looks different every time i draw her but idk what i can do about it

i dont know how to explain the lore but she was essentially created from the fear of white collar crime on accident

she's a lesser eldritch so she is immortal and has some limited powers. she has basic reality changing abilities and some specific skills related to her creation concept. she just began existing and immediately started problems

founded and was in charge of a very powerful christian evangelical cult, got filthy rich and then got slapped out of power by an eldritch entity because she was drawing too much attention

she wants to make another cult so bad but everyone in existance hates her

she's actually one of the most messed up characters i have but i never draw her doing anything evil so no one would ever know

she recently got punished for some interdimensional crime that she didn't commit

shes done lots of crimes before but she didn't do that one

now shes banished from the elevator zone

a victim of the accountant to criminal pipeline

no bitches 😞