


ギャラリア miy_yuu (Cover)
Greedy Man PoorMansPoison
悪いことはしちゃいけないよ きくお

Karmen Everleigh

Confident • RICH • Purple


Karmen Everleigh. The new CEO of Everleigh Trading Corporation. A company that works with an assortment of trades, including clothing, household appliances, furniture, transport and much more. He's only been in this position for about a year now, but it seems that he is doing rather well. Some would even say he is a prodigy in the field.

When speaking with the man himself, you get the impression that he is a rather confident young man! Perhaps a bit too much, maybe to an annoying degree... Regardless you wouldn't want to mess with him, considering just how much power he holds.

"My names Karmen Everleigh. CEO of the Everleigh Trading Company." He repeated his introduction, though it was even more formal than before. It felt as though there was a wall put up between the two of them.


"Mi Rey" "Plant Nerd" "Richie" "Mr. Everleigh" "Woman Hips"
December 2
Blood type
Neutral Good
Secretly Paranoid Attitude
Right dominant hand
Knight of Pentacles Tarot
Catmen Spirit animal
Steampunk (Technically) Setting


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Caring
  • Family Oriented
  • Hardworking
  • Pretty boi <3
  • Fashionable
  • Respectful
  • Knowledgeable
  • High Morality
  • Rich
  • Serious
  • Easily Flustered
  • Inexperienced
  • Emotional
  • Paranoid
  • Self-Sacrificing
  • Overworking
  • Overburdened
  • Self-Depricating


Food Strawberry Crepes
Drink Herbal Tea
Scent Earthy
Color Purple
Flower All of them
Season Spring
Time of day Evening
Clothing item His Brooch
Genre Mystery
Music Classical


Quirks & habits

He presents himself as fairly confident. He isn’t afraid to strike up a conversation, though he usually acts playful and condescending. When talking about business, money, and social status, he rarely breaks character, returning snide remarks and words of flattery if need be. But, when the topic of the conversation is on things like nature, and plants, he can’t help but speak genuinely.

When he gets nervous he tends to fiddle with things on him like his hair. He often runs his hand through his hair, mimicking when his sister would comfort him.

Communication skills

Speaking with others comes fairly naturally to Karmen. He has no problem walking up to, or calling to a new face. He enjoys speaking to others outside his expected social circle, though often times he fears doing so. For the most part prior to the Mantis Cruise, he would only really enjoy speaking to his siblings.

Though after the events of Mantis, he's become a bit less paranoid, so he's able to keep in touch with the friends he had made. He writes to those overseas, and organizes outings with those who are still living in England. While still having some paranoid thoughts about who could be judging him, he's rationalized that these interactions are worth the possible backlash.

Showing affection

Karmen believes that in order to get close to someone you need to learn about the basics first. What their hobbies are, their favourite food, what they don't enjoy etc. How can you say you're close to someone if you don't know what they do in their freetime?

Karmen often finds that he shows his affection to someone is by putting them above himself. The main reason he doesn't leave the company is due to the fact that he wants to maintain a stable home environement for his siblings. He also finds that hugging and such is something he would only willingly do for those he cares for. Most of all, spending quality time is his favourite way to show affection.


  • His Siblings
  • Nature (Esp. Plants)
  • Reading
  • Building Terrariums
  • Friends <3
  • Octo wink wonk


  • Mantis Company
  • Business Banter
  • Cigarettes/Cigars
  • The Executives
  • Violence
  • Dishonest Conversation


  • Making Mistakes
  • Lung Diseases
  • The Dark
  • Industrial Piping
  • Narrow Corridors
  • Crabs


  • Making Terrariums
  • Hiking
  • Travelling
  • Eating Food
  • Nature Watching
  • Playing Games

Design notes

  • He has medium-short Purple hair. His hair has rather distinct curls and waves. Overall looks well kept. Drawn (by me) in a very specific way. Link for Tutorial
  • He doesn’t have any distinct markings, though the fact that he covers one eye is a bit unique? He doesn’t really have any significant reason for having his hair like this, other than because he likes how it looks.
  • Dark Grayish Purple eyes. He's got an underlash, gives his eye some pizazz
  • Feminine Hands.
  • He has a rather slim frame and lacks a lot of muscle mass. Clearly doesn’t work out.
designer: Endeth
worth: Get outta here


Grayish Purple #4A4051


Corbeau #191024


Brown #694337


Gold Accents #D8A03F
Brooch Gem #6D72D7
Shirt #121116


  • Lots of Studying
  • Destined to become the next CEO of his father's company. Regardless of his own aspirations.
  • Loves his siblings more than anything, and is willing to do whatever he needs to keep them happy.

Karmen was born into a rich family. He has always had food on his plate, and a roof over his head. He was a fairly spoiled child growing up, being able to get anything he would want. His father was the owner of a large trading company, one that has been passed down the family for a few generations now. Karmen is the eldest of 4 siblings. He is 24, he has a 21 year old sister named Nicole, a 16 year old sister named Diane, and a 13 year old brother named Adrian. His mother had died a few years after his younger brother was born.

Being the oldest male, Karmen was the one who was raised to take on the company, so he is well educated. Since his father’s business works with foreign trade he specializes in geography, international relations, and a few languages. Around the age of 18 he had already started working with his father and the other executives of the company to better train him when he would be older. Karmen wasn’t any prodigy when it came to business, and he doesn’t have a passion for trade and sales. But, being the oldest, and wanting to help support his siblings, he took it upon himself to persevere through his lessons, and continue after his fathers footsteps.

Pre-Mantis Cruise

  • Became the CEO of his family business, much sooner than he had hoped.
  • Is both grateful and spiteful for this fact. While he values the fact he has more power over what his home is like,
  • His work environment is more aggressive and stress inducing than ever.

But, when he turned 23, due to the unfortunate early death of his father, his level of responsibility within the company grew significantly. Karmen still has a place in the company, and technically holds the title of CEO, but he is very much still working under the other executives. While Karmen works hard to present himself as confident and takes as much control as he can, he knows the other executives are looking at him with an extremely critical eye. There are a few executive members who were fiercely loyal to Karmen’s father, are more willing to keep Karmen as the CEO, and a few who would gladly try to take up the spot. All in all, Karmen finds himself in quite the socially aggressive environment.

After about a year of taking on the ‘title’ of CEO, Karmen is managing well enough. He’s able to make some decisions for the business, though while constantly being under pressure from the other executives. Most of those around him are unable to tell that there is any internal struggle within the company and assume that Karmen is simply a prodigy who was able to take over after his father.

During Mantis Cruise

  • Suggested by both his siblings and one of his executives
  • He was unsure if he should sign up for the raffles or not, so he ended up flipping a coin to decide what to do
  • He ended up being one of the winners for the free ticket raffles! Now he gets to go on a nice cruise trip, what could possibly go wrong?

A lot fricken went wrong.

On Mantis Cruise: During this point in time, Karmen was rather secretive about his genuine interests and personality. After all, this was still a normal cruise trip, and he was surrounded by strangers who could easily find ways to capitalize on his 'weaknesses.' As the secrets of the Mantis Company began to slowly unravel, Karmen along with Elcott and Ava discover that someone is trapped within the hold. Karmen, who had gotten his hands on the staff uniform, volunteered to venture below in order to find out more about the ship, and help whoever was down there. Unfotunately, it was revelaed to be some twisted form of entertainment for the mysterious individual. Which only lead to Karmen needing to escape the dark industrial halls for his life, from the monstrous captain of the cruise. Sustaining great injury, the group needed to escape the sinking ship, as an unknown individual set off a bomb.

On the Submarine: After their escape onto lifeboats they were eventually picked up by a submarine. The captain being a violence-prone octopus man, who had no plans to treat the ex-cruisers kindly. During their time on the submarine, where all social norms were thrown out the window, Karmen began to show more of his genuine self, getting close to several of the other participants, notably individuals named Bishop and Soleil. Though, he had also gotten closer to someone he never would have expected to. Very close. Against many odds, he foolishly fell head over heels in love with Ceyo, the captain of the ship. Feelings reciprocated, but doomed to fail. The dark ongoings of the company reared its ugly head, hitting the two with reality, and the necessity to end the relationship. Their relationship lasted a few feeks, before the submarine neared its destination.

In Atlantis: The Mantis Company headquarters. The group is faced with the decision, lose their memories or bend their knee to the company. Of course Karmen going through so much trauma as a result of the company, loathes both options. During their time in Atlantis Karmen desperately searched for ways to escape, finding much standing in his way. Though he did find Ceyo once again, able to maintain their relationship as a friendship. He was also able to get even closer to his friends, especially Bishop, who he learned the secrets of, and shared his own secrets with. Luckily in the end, the group was able to find a way to escape, rejecting both options and escape the company, cutting their ties with their memories intact. Wanting to keep those important to him safe, he invites both Ceyo and Bishop to live with him.

Post-Mantis Cruise

  • Escaping the terrors of the Mantis Company,
  • With new relations and perceptions of his self,
  • Perhaps things aren't as bad.

After escaping the company, Karmen invites both Ceyo and Bishop to come live with him. He's got a big house, and lots of money, so housing them was no problem at all. In fact he was excited to have new faces in his home, and to spend more time with peple he loved. Despite all the trauma he had gone through, there were somethings that he got out of the whole exprience that were for the better. Though he would never say that this was thanks to the Mantis Company, rather despite it.

While still stressing over company responsibilities, he has Bishop (new secretary) by his side, which makes the environemnt much more bearable. He's finding more time to do his hobbies, and has more connections to people he genuinely enjoy spending time with. Karmen is nothing but grateful for the new relations he has made.


His father's Death

Karmen's father, Douglas is an equally paranoid man. Someone who was a very successful business man, as talented and cut-throat as a true business man needs to be. He wasn't the one who created the company, but he certainly helped expand its influence, and just how powerful of a company it is. Even if Karmen understood Douglas held no proper fatherly love for him, he cannot help but have a bit of respect for just how talented he is in his field.

When Karmen's father was infected with the Black Smoke Disease, he refused to get any form of treatment. Douglas's paranoia lead to him rationalizing that if word of the CEO of Everleigh Trading Corp was infected with The Poor Person's disease, his reputation would fall into shambles, and ruin his career. Denying the truth, and coming to the see death as the more favorable option, he eventually fell victim to the disease.

On his deathbed, Karmen's father forced the soon to be CEO to swear that he would not share the truth regarding the cause of his death. Karmen was bitter, even hateful towards his father for the burden that he shoved onto him. He was filled with enough worry regarding his future, and to have to face the cut-throat environment without his father's support. He knew that his father didn't care for him, but to go so far as to rather die, than even try to lend his hear to Karmen's plea to take medicine, it hurt more than he'd like.

But that wasn't what really scared Karmen the most. Regardless of all the great accomplishments his father had made, the connections he had made, the level of experience and skill he had in the field, his father still feared the backlash of his 'mistake'. Regardless of Douglas's influence, the man still would rather die than show a shred of 'weakness'. So what chance did Karmen have? He was young and inexperienced, someone no one in the company really respected. He already had a good idea on how ruthless the upperclass were, but now he had no one to rely on.

Regardless of if he wanted to or not, Karmen had to take on the position of CEO. He had to keep this stupid secret to the grave, lest he wanted to face what his father feared to do himself.


Gifted Brooch

From his Siblings

A Brooch that was gifted to him from his siblings! He used to keep it in a special box, but he had to throw the box away during the escape from the cruise ship... But the brooch is still kept safe!

Pearl Necklace

From Ceyo

Originally a simply pearl, it was quickly crafted into a necklace, so that Karmen could wear the gift, while also keeping it hidden from others.

Family Photo

Damn, got the whole squad laughing

A family photo, one that he holds very dear to himself. Everyone looks very serious in it, but that's just expected for Richies. They're much more epxressive in person, I promise.

• :Flushed: •

An individual Karmen never expected to get close with. The cpatin of the Mantis Submarine. While their relationship during the Mantis Cruise was rocky, one thing was clear. Karmen wanted a future with Ceyo away from the company.

Despite all the trials and tribulations, Karmen was able to convince Ceyo to leave the company, and come live with him. Now Karmen, Ceyo and Bishop live together in the Everleigh mansion. The two didn't start dating immediately after, but within a few years the two had gotten back in a relationship.

• Bestieeeeeee •

The person Karmen considers his best friend. They had met rather early on in the Mantis trip, participating in various (both casual and life-thretening) activities together. Despite some rocky moments, in the end they both trusted each other the most with their deepest secrets.

After Karmen had learned the full truth about Bishop's story, he couldn't think of any reason not to invite Bishop to live with him. After the events of Sail, Bishop became an irreplaceable person, his secretary at work who makes the environment more bearable, and a dear friend who he enjoys spending time with and can rely on.

• 'Younger Brother' •

One of the other individuals Karmen got very close with during the Mantis Cruise. Very early on Karmen viewed Marri as a younger sibling, someone he wishes to support and care for.

After the events of Sail, Karmen would have also invited Marri to his home, but Marri had their own place to live with Armati. Though, Karmen often invites the two to his home, or arranges times where they can hang out.

• Close Friend •

Karmen and Rajan got close, initially through a business offer that Karmen gave to Rajan early on in the trip. But even if the offer was not accepted, they found that the two could become close friends. They surprisngly (somewhat) connected through conversations of romance, and the struggles they experienced in the past and present. Relationships are hard.

A now long-distance friend. After the events of Sail, Rajan moved to live in Iceland with Bjong. But Karmen and Rajan still keep in touch through letters, and teh occasional visit to eachother's homes.

• Close Friend •

Karmen was a bit distant with Armati at first, mostly due to Karmen's idea that he needs to be perfect in the eyes of other people of his social circle. But once shit hit the fan, and those social norms were sent out of the window, Karmen found that Armati and himself shared quite a few ideals and wished the two could go on fun adventures after the cruise.

After the events of Sail, Karmen and Armati keep in touch, often spending time together (with Marri and Bishop). Karmen is always willing to help fund Armati's inventions, most likely in 'exchange' for wild adventures.

• Close Friend •

A wild man, rude, blunt, icky. But still somehow became someone Karmen considers a close friend. They had many moments of playful banter, but still found moments of genuine conversation and vulnerability.

After the events of Sail, Elcott moved into Anna's house, which works great for Karmen as they're still able to keep in touch. Considering Elcott also befriended Ceyo (or eventually does) Elcott probably comes over to drink all of Karmen's liquor... Well, As long as Karmen is invited too.

• Pretty Duo •

PRETTY DUO PRETTY DUO. One of the few fellow Richies of the cruise. The two clicked rather quickly, spending time being epic girl bosses. Karmen found that he respected her sheer ability to stand firm in her beliefs. Staying true to herself despite everything that she had gone through.

After the events of Sail, Karmen and Anna are still close! Shopping sessions with Anna are the most fun, since the both of them have enough money to spend buying whatever they'd like. Karmen's younger sister often asks how Anna is doing, and whenever she visits, comes out to say hello and chat.

• Business Buddy •

Bjong... Stop trying to sell those miniature rotational ovens... Karmen was always so suspicious of Bjong's workplace, but she is rather buff... Karmen had to be careful about how he approached her. Though he still found himself bombarding her with questions and returning the sass. Still he respects her for her deep well of wisdom, getting a bit of a talking to during Karmen's troubling love affairs.

After the events of Sail, Karmen is still somewhat of a business partner. Bjong seems to continually find ways to force Karmen to buy those microwaves. Though, once she takes over, Karmen is a bit more willing to work with her company. (Though he's very grateful she's overseas)

• His Siblings! •

Nicole: Karmen definitely trusts Nicole the most as they are not only closer in age, but she is a very mature and headstrong individual. Karmen knows that she can handle herself in most situations, and is someone he can lean on when times get tough. While she didn’t get as intense of schooling as Karmen, she still has been taught quite a bit and is well educated as well.

Diana: Diana is a bit more spunky and hot headed. She has a lot more natural talent in dancing and performing, enough to deem her a prodigy, but she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. While that can be a good trait, in certain social situations, it has gotten her in trouble. Though if you ask Karmen, he finds her honesty refreshing and would prefer if she doesn’t lose her more fiery side.

Adrian: Adrian is very soft spoken. He doesn’t speak often, and when he does he is a bit blunt. But, he is able to word his thoughts in a kind enough way so he is less inclined to get in trouble like Diana. Karmen is often on the receiving end of countless questions from Adrian which the eldest is more than happy to provide with answers. Karmen finds that his younger brother is much more keen on learning about the family business and the world beyond the area they live in.