


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

★ Value ★


★ To artists ★

Sometimes he dyes his hair black or dark chestnut (turns out auburn).


☆ Angel ☆

Name: Angel Dai
Tibumeru (Angelfish)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay af prob
Relationship Status: Pending

Occupation: Part timer/Temp work




♦ Stories, gossip
♦ Puzzles, mystery games
♦ Newspapers
♦ Making shapes with cardboard
♦ Watching, observing, or listening
♦ Low effort activity

♦ Mysterious creatures or those who have a lot of interesting things to divulge


♦ Smiling
♦ Expending or consuming energy
♦ Wasting time doing nothing
♦ Working


Physical Strength ★☆☆☆
Agility ★★★☆☆☆
Offence ★★★☆☆
Defence ★★★☆☆
Stamina ★☆☆☆☆
Intelligence ★★★☆☆☆

 Layout by @Coloris
Inspired layouts from Wicked and Jayden

  N o t e s t o A r t i s t s
♦ Sometimes he dyes his hair black or dark chestnut (turns out auburn usually).

  B a c k s t o r y
For the first couple of years, his family of angelfish were glued together as they learned to hunt, but as soon as one member felt ready to leave the nest, they left immediately without a word, never to be seen again. It was safe to say Angel wasn't there long. However, he soon discovered that there wasn't really much in the world he cared for. He was born critical and judgmental, and was loathe to tell others his innermost thoughts. He always kept them a secret in most of his interactions with anyone. His trust was never easy to win, not that many desired to try due to his bland attitude and preference to immerse in his own interests. The older he grew, the more major puzzles, riddles, and newspapers captured his imagination.

The most effective time to catch his attention was often when his interest was actually peaked and he would ask various questions. It was not easy to satisfy his curiosity, to say the least, but if it seemed to take a lot of effort or consumed too much energy, he tended to know when to give up. His desire to fit all of the puzzle pieces together didn't justify spending all his time on it—unless it was a real jigsaw puzzle. Mysterious or smart creatures tended to be his idols; he would be unafraid to approach and question them until forcibly removed from their presence. This applied to those with complicated pasts or backgrounds as well. If he had his way, he would permanently sit in counseling or gossip clubs just to hear the juicy stories, but he was always kicked out for not sharing enough himself.

  P e r s o n a l i t y
Angel has a distaste for many. There's no point beating around the bush on that fact, eh? He is a jaded creature bent on doing nothing productive; as he believes that the world cannot change into anything better peacefully, he will make no move to input effort that has a lasting impact on anybody. He is prone to somewhat aggressive outbursts, but they may not appear obvious on his face due to his average expression being that of a scowl—his eyebrows will scrunch deeper than before. In his company, it is recommended to walk on eggshells if you happen to see the change on his face. He can be a bit nasty and straightforward when his temper flares. Things like "You'll regret it if you keep going" or "Get out of my face, you big fat wuss" while giving intense death glares inches away from the other's face would be about right. If he can help it, he would rather not spend energy or waste time in any way personally, so experiencing anger, an emotion that takes quite a lot out of people, only serves to irritate him further.

While he has a negative outlook usually and prefers not to expend energy abundantly, he can be calm by nature and rather easy to silence. Just give him a reasonable command, explanation, reprimand, or story, or even just some newspapers or puzzles, and he would be so engrossed that he would forget his train of thought. His emotions can get the better of him, but due to that, he can easily have his mind turned in another direction. He is impatient and strong willed; because of this, it is not easy to change his way of life.

A bit impatient, swishes tail slightly to show it
♦ Furrows his brows when angry or otherwise not calm
Shrugs to mean "I don't know" and disregards manners

♦ Chews on jigsaw puzzles when bored

  I n t e r e s t s  D r e a m s 
♦ Playing with puzzles
♦ Collects jigsaw puzzle pieces
♦ Collects newspapers and tries to make stories in his head with the images
♦ Cutting newspaper clippings
♦ Cutting helps calm him for some reason

  D e s c r i p t i o n
He has a slim body type.

Height: 5'6"

  O t h e r s
♦ Surprisingly, he has a soft spot for animals, though he doesn't go out of his way to concern himself with them, unless necessary.
♦ He has a deeply clingy side of him that has yet to make an appearance; safe to say it would be reserved for ones who become the most intimate with him.
♦ His hobbies changed more often when he was young. They moved on from spinning toys, to shiny rocks (called them 'gems), to cardboard and crinkly paper.

  S t r e n g t h s W e a k n e s s e s
♦ ♦ 

  R e l a t i o n s h i p s
♦ Lover |
♦ Family |
♦ Friends | 

  T h e m e S o n g
♦ Sound of an Angel