


2 years, 6 months ago


Celine is a goddess, seeing over all creations and life. She created man, followed by a sacred ground for the humans to live in. And from the hopes of man came angels. One angel, in particular, named Celeste, fell in love with the goddess; and the goddess returned those feelings. Their love lasted for several years through the fruition of Celine's creations.

However, as man continued to grow, corruption came about. Humanity began to waste Celine's gift of birth and creations, thus creating fewer angels. Celeste began to dislike humanity, and suggested that Celine wipe out man and only allow the rest of the living to inhabit her holy land. Celine refused, because she still believed in the hope and good in humans.

Celeste eventually grew frustrated as she continued to witness the death of life, and decided to travel to the holy grounds herself. She'd trick the humans into eating from Celine's garden of apples, hoping it would give Celine a reason to destroy them. Celine eventually found out. She was angry with the humans for being weak-willed and trespassing, but she was even angrier at Celeste, and felt betrayed. The humans begged for salvation, and so Celine decided to grant them a second chance elsewhere. She then created the earth.

As for Celeste, she had no regrets for what she did. the two argued and a fight broke out, leaving both of them scarred. Celeste decided to retreat from heaven, and Celine never saw her again... until hundreds of years later.

She hears of the creation of Hell, and a new figure named Kritanta running it. There, the seven deadly sins were born, and they continued to drag Celine's creations to hell as they saw fit in order to torture them. In retaliation, Celine decided to appoint seven angels as the new seven heavenly virtues. To this day, she waits for every move Kritanta plans to make with the intention to save her creations.


Celine is a kind woman, and looks for the good in everything she creates. She treats everything as gently as possible and doesn't get upset often. After Celeste (Kritanta) left heaven, the goddess fell into a great depression. She smiled less, and it was rare to see her leave her throne room. Her smile, though scarce to see, had become weak, and her eyes appeared tired very often. She still holds that loving, mother-like personality she had before. Unfortunately, it was plagued with a never-ending sadness, and a longing to see Celeste once more.