Foxheart's Comments

Man, and I thought I was the only one with a WC fox oc- /nm

nah I rlly don't think it's that uncommon pfft, but yeah I used to think the same as a kid :')

also do tell :eyes: what was their backstory I must know now

Ok, buckle up cause this is the original story i made up in 3rd grade.

So there's this story i wrote in 3rd grade, a few months before i found out about warrior cats. It was about dogs and the main character, Black, is basically Firestar. Anyways, Black meets this fox and they have a kid(sparrow) and then more kids(Ruby rust, something else & blue- Ruby is the only one that matters) But then one day his wife disappears. Meanwhile in FoxClan, a guy named Thornpool is walking next to the road and sees the mom and one of the children get obliterated by a Chevy Silverado. So he takes the children to his mate, who coincidentally has children. Unimportant stuff happens and then Rubypaw meets a guy named Ashpaw. Ashpaw says "I love you" and they immediately become mates. So then literally 3 days later Rubypaw is now Rubyclaw and is having babies. Somehow Ashpelt knows and shows up and the medicine cat is like "omg i had a vision about this: ashes will cover rubies and the clans will fall" or something like that. so then Liontail asks how this happened and the EXACT QUOTE that I still remember Ashpelt saying was, "I guess we loved eachother for a long time and just didn't know it" so they have ~12 kids and one of them runs away with his online gf to "diamondclan" and the other ashpelt kidnaps. (somehow nobody figures out he's ruby's son???) Then it turns out Silverpelt is a bad guy and yellowclan & diamondclan invade and Rubyclaw runs away and starts the very humbly named rubyclan, where she fights some bad gyu dohgs and is reunited with her father.

Ok most of this is not canon anymore because obviously, but I still think it's hilarious and laugh everytime i read it. Your turn, tell me about foxheart :,)

Foxheart's story isn't that complex, haha. I think I made him in 2017? Idk back when I was baby Pounce lol. He was washed away from his mother and siblings by a flood before his eyes were open and somehow survive ATFYGU. A couple cats from one of my friend's made up clans, DuneClan (this was from a role-play to be clear haha), found him and decided to take him in. His fox scent had been "washed away" (???? xD) and they presumed they were taking in a lost kit. But then he grew..,,,, they quickly realised that nah bro they'd taken in a fox SOB. Those in on the secret tried to keep it from the rest of the clan, but most cats were getting pretty suspicious, escepically when he was like double the size of his adopted littermates. Eventually the leader called him to his den and told him, and he was very upset like ahhh major identity crisis time. I don't really remember the rest of what happened lol, but he was apprenticed and learnt super well and got his name Foxheart for being so lovely and a gentle giant. It's also inadvertdly a warriors curse word so I mean,,,,,, take from that what you will. Most of his arc did focus a lot on the driscrimation he faced and over coming it so, its sorta nice in a way? Bringing a new meaning to the term.

"His fox-scent was washed away" bro that's like thinking you're adopting a Tibetan mastiff and it turns out it's a fkn BLACK BEAR lmao-