Sherwin (Connections (extended))





FULL NAME Sherwin Çınar-Mortimer

AGE 18

GENDER Trans masculine non-binary

PRONOUNS he/they

ORIENTATION Aromantic asexual gay

ETHNICITY Sephardi, Turkish

This tab is intended to further present Sherwin's relations to all of the characters in the story. The "Connections" subheader featured in his Story Involvement section includes a brief overview of his relations with all story-relevant characters, while his Links are a dialogue-focused account of his opinions/perspective on all other characters. The relations listed below are sorted by how the characters are presented in the Bakersfield folders. WIP as writing this.



Partners | Recent | 18

Sherwin loves Jiyad, though he struggles with doubt regarding their relationship. "Why does he love me?", "I don't deserve this", etc. Ultimately, though, Sherwin feels far more safe with Jiyad than anyone else and appreciates how they can non-verbally communicate effortlessly.

Jiyad loves Sherwin, though he struggles with feeling he's not doing enough for his boyfriend. He knows Sherwin has various problems and tries to be there for him, but he feels that he fails to most of the time. Still, he feels the most himself when with Sherwin and can be relaxed around him.

Their dynamic is explored more on their individual profiles.



Close Friends | ~5 years | 17

Sherwin has always been wary of Victor. They first met when Sherwin was not used to interacting with people outside of his family, so Victor's direct and outgoing nature was frightening to him. Over time, he's become more and more appreciative of having Victor as a friend, but he sometimes falls back on his old behavior of pretending he doesn't know Victor (which was always a sort of joke, but with his flat demeanor, it's hard to always tell).

Victor has always liked Sherwin. Like, like-like. These feelings never and will never amount to anything, but they still haven't left him. He acknowledges they will only ever be friends and still chooses to be there for Sherwin whenever he can. He appreciates that despite his feelings being unrequited, they can still share a somewhat emotionally-intimate relationship, as he's one of the only people Sherwin will go to for comfort for things (outside of Jiyad).



Friends | ~1 year | 17

Sherwin isn't very close with Porky, but they share a silent understanding of each other. They were both non-verbal (with Porky's status still being ongoing), so they are more comfortable with each other's presences with these understandings.



Friends | ~1 year | 18

Sherwin doesn't really care for Baccay, but holds respect for them. After getting in a physical fight with them, he mainly just feels embarrassed around them, since he feels a lot of shame for having struggled enough to have gotten to that point. He accepts Baccay's vindictive nature and is thankful they at least tolerate him.

Baccay has never liked Sherwin, but holds respect for him. They don't have a lot of sympathy for what happened to him during the year they fought, viewing that time as him "acting out", plain and simple. Even so, they still consider him their "friend" if not only just for Victor, so they'll defend him if someone outside of their group were to insult or threaten him.



Friends | ~1 year | 17

Sherwin and Kasey are more similar than they'll ever realize (this will keep being said until it sticks!). Though, Sherwin doesn't really take Kasey as someone who wants to have a deeper relationship with him, so he doesn't push for it. He's always thought Kasey was trans and was waiting for her to realise as well.

Sometimes Kasey shares Baccay's view on Sherwin (that he's an annoying loser, essentially), while other times she feels a kinship to him and his behavior. Either way, she doesn't pursue anything deeper with him than what they already have, which consists of them occasionally nitpicking things together.



Friends/Mentorship | ~1 year | 13

Sherwin feels, generally, rather neutral about Apple. He appreciates how he strives to be helpful and kind, but due to their personality and age difference, he doesn't feel especially close or incentivized to get any closer to the younger boy.

Apple looks up to Sherwin and sees him as a cool, smart kid. He likes to do tasks for him and makes a sort of game out of it. If Sherwin is working on a lab that requires some type of sample not immediately accessible to him, Apple would be the first to offer to get it for him. Apple feels filled with purpose when supporting someone like Sherwin, since in his eyes, Sherwin is the coolest guy possible.



Acquaintances | ~1 year | 17

These two are not close. Sherwin has always been tertiarily aware of Aymi, since he is "friends" with both her sister, best friend, and little brother, but the two of them have never really spent any time together. They're cordial, though, if not just for their mutual connections (which was especially so when Jiyad came into their lives). Sherwin appreciates how Aymi is there for Jiyad, but he was initially jealous of her before reaching a better understanding of how the three of their dynamics intersected.

Aymi thinks Sherwin is alright, all of his "dramas" considered.



Acquaintances | ~1 year | 17

These two are not close. Sherwin hardly interacts with Finn and only really knows him through Jiyad and Regan (as does Finn).



Old Dormmates | ~1 year | 17

Sherwin didn't mesh well with Regan while they dormed together, but now they're more or less neutral towards each other. Their friends play up their animosity.



Strangers | ~1 year | 17

These two are not close. Sherwin only knows Jonah through Ndeye, Jiyad, and Regan, as does Jonah.



Friends | ~1 year | 17

Sherwin and Ndeye used to be closer, but lost contact when Sherwin wasn't attending Bakersfield during his recovery. They seem like opposites, but Ndeye is very good at making friends with any kind of person, so they got along fine. They got a bit closer again after Jiyad befriended Ndeye.



Tense Acquaintances | ~1 year | 17

These two are not close. Sherwin beat him in a fight, but doesn't lend him any thought beyond that.

Ajax holds a grudge against Sherwin after losing said fight and plays up Sherwin and Regan's rivalry (therefore building subtle animosity towards Sherwin within his friend group) due to this grudge.



Strangers | ~1 year | 18

These two are not close.

Sellen had once fancied Sherwin upon hearing he was gay, but it was a superficial thing brought on by lack of options.



Strangers | ~1 year | 17

These two are not close.