
We're all just people trying to get along

Do Somethin' Crazy- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones



Flint is a little bit of a gremlin, he hoards anything he finds interesting which kind of sends his clean-freak of a roommate into dismay. Unfortunately his latest fixation is anything sparkly... including bottles of glitter that may or may not have spilled all over the carpet. It's not that Flint is messy, it's just a LOT of cool stuff for such a small dorm. Flint seems to have never ending energy and a personality kind of like a strong fall candle, that smells really good but after a while you need a little break because you aren't used to such 'muchness' of a person. It's not a bad thing, just oddly unusual. You can see he's extremely passionate about everything in life because he finds everything interesting even if he doesn't quite understand it. His best skill is doing flips, and being very agile as well as being persuasive with his adorable golden-retriever like charm that would probably be powerful enough to overthrow the corrupt leaders of the milkshake club (it's just a front those girls put up, they're actually really mean). Flint is not a trouble maker, but he's very adventurous but really likes to snack on everything so like on a hike he'd be walking and talking with his buddies and pick up a flower and start monching and crontching away. Maybe pick up some grass, a twig, perhaps a rock, so an adventurous eater too I guess!

  • interests: Games, hanging with friends, biking, working on mechanics, collecting items, snacking
  • dislikes: when the biker mom is angry, having to get rid of stuff, vengance
  • Species: Pine Marten

wow this does not scroll don't go too crazy

  • bulletpoint

art by artist · code by @sardiine