The Spire (Characterization Notes)


Basic Info

these will eventually go in his profile proper lol


Spire has buried his past and now has a new start. He’s only been out of the assassin's guild for a few months, and isn’t quite used to this amount of freedom and comradery. He fuckin’ loves it, reveling in the fact that he has friends instead of whatever complicated “I would kill and die for you, but I know next to nothing about you” dynamic he had with the other assassins.

He’s jaded, but wants to overcome that. He’s looking at the world with newly opened eyes, seeing beauty where he couldn’t before.

Used to toning himself down to near-nothing for assassinry, Spire is still figuring out what is too much and what is too little in social circles. He’s a magnetizing presence, even when he doesn’t mean to be, and that can get overwhelming at times.

old notes/description

Dancer, seamster, tarot reader, The Spire is a cat of precise talents and honeyed words. A refugee from the decimated city of Harmonia, he rarely shares his past with anyone, preferring his newly acclimated status as traveling performer. He comes off as almost unassuming, yet alluring; mysterious and glamorous.

When Spire engages with others, he’s amicable, jovial, cool, and charismatic. He seems to know what to say at all the right moments, words chosen just carefully enough to not come off as overly flattering. He’s lying through his fangs about a lot, though very few can tell about what. He's too hard to truly read. It’s clear that he knows how to navigate all manner of social circles and situations, his demeanor adjusted accordingly for each interaction. Some might even say he enjoys the game. He wears this mask of pleasantry rather well, but those who manage a peak behind the curtain often wonder — what else is he hiding?