


2 years, 6 months ago


So basically random facts about eros. • Eros was raised by dogs, he actually was born from two show cats but the owner didn’t like the freckles on his skin so they got rid of the kitten on the side of the rode throwing him out the window where he hit his head on the concrete , some dogs came over ? Thought about eating him but saw he was still breathing and alive and took him in to their wild little pack • when he hit his head he did actually almost die, he saw starclan or heaven (whichever) and they told him to always forgive people and come join them in heaven…. But he wanted to live! He didn’t want to die yet, which is why when the dark forest… or devil spoke to him, promising him life again, he took that path, which is why he’s able to communicate with demons and vengeful spirits. •the dogs of course taught him how to hunt, interact and so forth, which gave him more dog like mannerisms , like panting or wagging his tail or whimpering . •at his teenage years he started meddling with dark demonic entities … he actually had his first boyfriend this way, a demon cat. He played in the woods terrorizing and killing other innocent cats in the name of the devil ,,, and soon other cats started to realize… if they followed him… they would be safe from these evil forces , thus started his cult. •people started to also just be mesmerized by his beauty and odd behavior , becoming obsessed with him for how different and unique he acted and looked which brought in more crazed members who would do anything for him… he was treated like royalty , and his dog family… as they got older became like his body guards , also apart of the cult , since they got the highest share of prey and when a cat was sacrificed they where fed to his dog family, he’s also the only one in the clan able to communicate with them since the dogs speak…. Yk… dog • they are basically a satanic cult, although the cult worships eros instead of satan… somehow during his breakup with the demon cat, eros was able to … destroy said demon,,, somehow with dark magic… due to the contract he signed with the devil, that somehow made him in a way… a demon himself So eros does have black magic due to that contract and is part demon he just hasn’t discovered all his powers yet, he can only do minimal things relating to pain and suffering right now, and destroy smaller weaker demons