
6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Rissa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Zora

Birthplace: Zora’s Village 

Residence: Trader’s Market

Family: Rissa’s parents are both fishers in the Zora’s Village

Partner(s): None at the moment!

Occupation: Scavenger and part time sells all sorts of odds and ends she finds diving in the the ocean and lakes from shells to pearls, and jewelry to other lost treasures.

Goal: Learn to better control her electricity and just in general help people.


Personality: Friendly, timid, sometimes shy, likes to help, easily frightened, tends to get nervous quickly.


Other: Because she didn’t interact with many other people growing up, Rissa has trouble talking to people, and can sometimes trip over her words when speaking.    


  • Can breathe and walk/swim on land and underwater
  • She has uncommon electrical pulse-generating glands located under her green “spots,” and can discharge a very small amount of electricity from them
  • Has the average swim speed of Zoras 


  • All electricity that is not her own
  • Flippers on land- though very helpful when swimming and underwater, Rissa’s foot flippers have given her a bit of a klutz


Primary Weapon: Weak Electrical Touch

Mainly, Rissa can emit a small current of electricity while swimming to keep nasty predators away if they’re around. 

Secondary Weapon: Coral Dagger

An in-case-of-emergence blade that Rissa’s parents insisted she have with her while on her own. The handle is carved from coral. She also uses it to scavenge for materials to trade and sell, i.e. pry open oysters for their pearls.


    Rissa was born in Zora’s Village with the red skin of her mother and green eyes and spots of her father. That sounds pretty normal, children inheriting physical traits from their parents, but what’s not so normal is the inheritance of an uncommon gland beneath the skin that releases electrical charges. That’s what came along with the spots from her father.

    At a young age, Rissa had trouble controlling random little shocks that emitted from her hands, feet, hips, fins, face, and tail, so she didn't interacted with very many other zoras her age. Not that people were scared of her, in fact, many zora children thought it was cool. Rissa just didn’t like accidentally shocking people. Because most zoras are very sensitive to electricity, she didn’t want any bad accidents to occur. Though none of her weak shocks were anywhere near lethal, Rissa didn’t want to take chances, so she was thrilled when her parents agreed to let her spend more time outside of Zora’s Village, but not before they entrusted to her a coral-handled knife for self-defense and to aid her.

    As life usually is, living on her own was not as easy as Rissa had expected, especially at the age of seventeen. Though she often came upon rivers with fish to eat and enough room to sleep, she was beginning to realize that she needed some sort of way to buy materials. She ran into traveling merchants every once in a while, and sparked an idea in her mind- she could find and sell things she found in the nearby bodies of water. People were always losing and forgetting things to the depths, so why not find and sell things like that? She remembered a place her father went to every once in a while to trade and buy outside of the village, what was it again?  Oh, that’s right, Trader’s Market! She could go there and see if she could sell and trade things there.

    When she got there, the community seemed rather nice. Some even recognized the resemblance of her father. She quickly felt at home and set up a booth. After a month or so, she became friends with some of the other sellers, and even did business with them. A handful of shells for a loaf of bread from a baker, numerous old metal wares to the metal worker for protective arm, leg, and neck cuffs, and pearls for the seamstress to sew into her work for a multipurpose belt slung over her shoulder. To make things better, Rissa would sometimes see her father passing though.