


6 years, 7 months ago


Lyrette is 17 and currently attending the start of her magical school life. She's mischevious and fun loving, adoring spending her time getting into shenanagins that "just happen to happen" while doing things she probably shouldn't be doing [taking brooms for magical joy rides, mixing potions in the prepatory bathrooms and making a huge mess, sneaking into the kitchens at midnight to do some magical baking]. She doesn't really have any friends at the school, and as such spends most of her time alone or hanging out with the companion animals that wander around when their owners are busy with classes. Lyrette is extremely friendly and social, but usually gets so caught up in what she's doing it makes it difficult for her to reach out and not lose people in the madness.

Lyrette is 5ft`6inches and can be drawn in a cutesy chibi style, or tall/anthro. Her markings are a magical vitiligo that change based on how much magic she's been using lately and what her reserves are, so have fun!