


8 years, 10 months ago



Hades Thantos


Knowledge About Him •••

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Orientation: Gay - Uke

Relationship Status: Taken ♥

Height: 6'0

Weight: 140

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Red

Disability: Blind


Hades is a very sweet and caring person, Even with what happened to him from Zuses, He often finds his self trying to be as nice as possible when he takes a soul. He even talks to them before he puts them in the soul pool.

Sometimes Hades, Looks hurt. But that is because he is. He is cursed never to look up on anyone's face again, As Zuses has made that clear, When he stole the boys eye color and eye sight, So in thus he tries his best to be as nice as possible.

When Hades was young, Chronos, His father had always cherished him, Seeing as he was the youngest child of his, He often found his self in his fathers study, Helping him with his work. However, Poseidon and Zuses grew jealous of this, So they decided they were going to lock Chronos up, and Cast Hades into the underworld to become the ruler there.

However, When this happened, Hades could still escape to the human plane, So he would often visit to just get interaction with people, However, It wasn't long that Hades had fallen in love with a mortal, A sin for a God, Specifically the one of death. For he could re-write history with this person if he so wished.

So on the day Hades was to proclaim his love and make this man a Demi god. Zuses showed up and wiped the man from the face of the earth and destroyed his soul. The only thing that is left is the skull that Hades now carry's with him everywhere, Zuses also stole his eye sight, Once glittering green eyes, Now red, and full of evil. That was when Hades started to wear a blind fold. He now stays in the underworld and allows Keres and Thantos to care for the souls from earth, and he sits on his thrown.

(Side note, Hades was married once but he pushed her into the Soul Pool because she wouldn't leave him alone about becoming evil)

✓Likes✓ ☒Dislikes☒
✔Animals ✘ His two older brothers
✔ Mortals ✘ The fact that hes blind
✔Music ✘ Being forced to stay in the underworld
✔Cake ✘ Being Forced to kill for a living