
2 years, 6 months ago


Korin Sokolov

Nicknamed: The Sargent aka Sarge

Age: 36

Korin was a soldier for the Russians, A Sargent status ranking member with in their military, During a small battle with some rebels a mine was activated, Korin being one of the people closest was torn to pieces.

When he woke up he was already in Scream City, and was no longer human, but his parts had been collected and welded/sewn back together, some parts of him replaces with enchanted items that breathed life back into his motionless form. A cursed item was even hidden somewhere inside of his body, forcing him to obey who ever held the control. Making him an obedient soldier to said person.

He is quiet and stern, a real military man, maintaining many of his old habits from his life. Though he currently get's weak knees for the boss at the Cerberus, the club he now works as a bouncer for. 

what happened to him, his controller, or the person who remade him, he doesn't really know himself, he doesn't recall the one we brought him back, and his death was so sudden he himself doesn't recall how it happened. He will tell you he just woke up one day, got a job, a place to live and went on with his undead life.

Memories as his time alive are very few, and he is having a harder and harder time recalling them. Most of the time, coming back only in dreams as nightmares, from atrocities committed or seen during his tenure in the military. 

The only item he has from his original life are his dog tags.