Edan Pierce



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Hero name

Rave Candy Hero


Edan Pierce




Zombie - 80s Action Hero




24 July


183 cm


Male (He/They)


Aromantic Pansexual


Zombie soldier, hobbyist artist


Cheerful, happy, energetic, confident, a bit narcissist, but very fun to talk with, will adopt any introverts out there


Colorful things, accessories, modified weapons and vehicles, body building, butterflies, flowers, J-pop, Loud and/or cheerful pieces of music, heavy metal


Monochrome color palletes, sour foods


Collecting things from outside, put on temporary tattoss




[Edan is an 80s Action Hero inspired OC]


"Colorful things always make me feel alive even though I can't feel the beat on my chest anymore!"


if you see him from afar and he is walking or running towards you, just know that you will die from the glitter bomb! Edan is a boy with a cheerful and colorful personality, he would make anyone smile and makes plants dance to death! Unlike his brother who loves calm, Edan loves happy chaos! He would blast metal and hyper pop after that, his genre of music is diverse, he just wants it loud! He also has a passion for art, he likes to combine things from his surroundings and make art out of them, one of them is collage art, he would take old newspapers, crushed cans, and old magazines from libraries and decorate a white blank canvas with it.

Edan died at the back of Hot Topic, with 40 stabs on the chest . Edan is one of the young zombies out there, however, he is just as tall as some All-Stars, even taller than his older brother, he likes to train his body well, maybe that's why he ends up looking like a young, stupid hunk, he admitted it himself.


Fun facts:

  • Edan always thinks his star glasses are rad, despite it offends Captain Starblade sometimes
  • Horns on his hats are things he made himself that he attached to his hat, he thinks that he looks like a demon from heaven
  • his right arm covered in a rainbow arm sleeve, when exposed, shows a bunch of temporary tattoos, he used that as a form of cope, because his big brother, Julian, often worries about him showing his arm that is covered with bandages of accidental wounds of other, so Julian suggested to replace with those small tattoos instead, ended up with Edan loving the idea and have it as a hobby, he would have those tattoos anywhere on his body
  • He enjoys skin-on-skin interaction with his brother, constantly hugging him tightly
  • Edan and Noah often go to the gym together
  • Edan enjoys various music genres, he likes his music loud, like heavy metal, but also likes his music to radiate energetic vibes, like hyper pop or electro music
  • Edan was also good at other things related to art and fashion like knitting, crocheting, or making clothes in general, he made his rainbow sleeves himself.
  • He wished to have a Kawasaki kind of motorcycle and customize the color and even design by himself
  • Having a hard time managing finance sometimes, he would go do some gigs to get a portion of a meal a day
  • His head is detachable, he only hands his head to people he trusts. it's due to a nightcap chopping his head off during battle, he does not like it
  • the tattoo on his chest is aimed at where he was stabbed
  • His cries sounds like a whistling kettle and its fucking funny


A child who loves to collect things that are interesting to him, interesting which are wild mushrooms, toys under a public bench, or one of his brother's colored rocks, that's Edan, A happy little child with big curiosity and would love to fill his room with "interesting" things. Edan lives in a family of two parents and an older sibling, Edan is a quite active child unlike his older bro, he would often get himself hurt, but to him, it was just fun and games. He started to make art when he saw his brother do little drawings, he would borrow things his brother have and try to draw like his bro. His drawing is not the best and often gets sad about how he can make art as good as Julian, but he kept on doing it because it's fun. He would draw in public places leaving people to see and praise him. All of the praises he gets make him get better at what he loves to make. He is not alone in his journey, he had his brother beside him, though his brother doesn't show his artwork as he did, he always sees his big bro as a living inspiration, he would try making what his brother makes, and his brother was always proud, and so his parents, his parents would say how many potential he would have, even sometimes secretly tells him how he is better than his big bro, but he never believe such words, he always believes his brother is greater. He is the only one who understands why his dear brother didn't want to show his artwork to anyone but him.

Edan grew up being a creative child that would be open to anyone, his room is decorated with trophies from art contests and even some sports. He also improved in his art from time to time, he would focus on acrylic paintings and ink drawings, he start to find his taste, like art and music. In sports, he always had fun playing basketball, his favorite. He also finds bodybuilding to be fun, as he grew up his body shape is getting better and better, eventually surpassing his big brother's height, because of that he gets even more confident in socializing. He was one of the tallest in the class despite only being a middle school student. Edan becoming one of the popular kids of the school, his personality and physical shape make him every girl's dream boyfriend, he would get a love letter each week and sees people arguing over how much they wanted him in their group assignment. To Edan, this reputation is not such a big deal, it's true there are people who just don't like him for no reason due to his status of being popular, but he never really gets arrogant about it and keeps on seeing and treating everyone equally. He would even help his brother to talk to strangers.

His bond with his brother is also getting stronger as they both grew up, they would spend most of their time together, they would often help each other, Edan helping Julian on fighting his insecurities about being outside while Julian helping Edan with his art and homework. One day Edan and Julian found temporary tattoos in local shops, he gets one for himself and eventually wants to get more, Julian would always get hit sheets of little temporary tattoos that last a week or two, he always loves it, Julian told him that he could always use it when he feels sad, as a way to entertain himself as well. Edan holds his brother's words tight and starts sticking tattoos and even stickers to either help him with his feelings or solely just fun. One day Julian left the house telling everyone he wanted to go hiking, Edan knows it's his brother's favorite activity, Edan was invited but he had to reject it because it was exam week, so Julian wander off alone. It took his brother longer than it was supposed to get home, the whole family, including Edan himself, becomes worried, his brother is now counted as a missing person and police starts investigating. But it don't take long as the police goes to the mountain Julian hiked into and found his dead body there, the big brother he always look up to left him soon. It left him a big scar on his hard, eventually entering the first stage of grief. He remembers the things his bro told him about tattoos, he tried to put it on but for the first time, it doesn't really work well. But he knew his brother wants him to keep on walking in life so he tried his best to, for the sake of his brother.

A few years go by, He is now in college, he was still a freshman but he was known to dress up quite eccentric, he is also known for the same things back in school days, talented, strong, and kind-hearted. He would wear anything that could cover his arms that were full of messy temporary tattoos. He had a high achievement throughout his time in college, being friends with both fellow juniors and seniors, just like back in school days, his reputation is almost everyone's dream, but this he had something blocking him. A person in the same major as him would often on hating him, spitting on him and such, he doesn't take it as a big deal, other people who like him would defend him but Edan always says to not do such things and let him be, he would still treat the person just as kind as other people, though it never changes their mind about Edan. It was summer when it happened, Edan would walk to one of his favorite places to buy things or just, casually standing around, Hot Topic! before he got the chance to step in he got his shoulder touched by someone, the person that always hated him most, for the first time gave him friendly smile. Edan is confused at first but got relieved knowing that he just wants to apologize, Edan being forgiving he is he immediately says it's all okay. The person asks Edan if he would follow him so he can get himself a drink and Edan nods to the invite. They walk to the back of the hot topic to take something they said they accidentally left, to Edan it's strange for someone that would leave something at the back of the hot topic but he doesn't really mind. Edan follows them and sees them actually take something that left off there. Edan was unarmed and looking around, waiting for them to get whatever they left. But all of sudden Edan's pupils are shrinking, his body is freezing, feeling something impaled through his body, he fell down and look, the same person that was just given him a bright smile, start stabbing him around his belly and chest, ended up killing him on the place, not enough with all of the wounds he immediately stabs. Edan died because of the act of Jealousy.

Edan waking up as a zombie is probably a lucky fate. He met new people, dead people. Eventually, become a part of the Z-Army and that's how he met his brother, a brother he haven't seen in years, it was a heartwarming part of their undead life. They don't live in the same houses anymore, but they would occasionally meet, as two brothers as usual, even team up fighting plants.