
Reverence Eldamour is the secondborn daughter of Marques Leander and Lady Coralie Eldamour, and younger sister to Lord Alden Eldamour. Leander Eldamour comes from a family which bares a curse: all the daughters they bare will be devils. For many generations, the curse has always rang true. Any daughter born to the family is born a tiefling; this curse lead the Eldamour family, once rich and prosperous and commanding large territories, to fall from grace, as no one wanted to marry into a family cursed by fiends. After a few generations of having one child--one son only, the Eldamours became potentially marriable again, and Lady Coralie, heiress of a wealthy and powerful family, fell in love with Leander. Though her family advised against it, they married, and later, had a human son, Alden. 

Although they intended to have no further children after Alden, unfortunately Coralie and Leander were in love, and being in love, accidents happen. Besides, after a few successful generations without a tiefling born, Leander thought it might be possible the curse was broken. They were all devastated to find out that it was not broken when their second child was born with pink skin, cloven hooves, a tail, and little horn nubs. As Lady Coralie's pregnancy had been very public, they were forced to take care of their new daughter, rather than lie and claim she had died and risk someone discovering that they'd lied and disposed of their own child. So, in order to shake the demonicness from the imagery of their tiefling daughter, they named their daughter Reverence, and, as soon as she was old enough, enrolled her in the Church of Selune to learn piety, and show their kingdom that their devil daughter was no threat.

Leander and Coralie felt both their own lineages had been brought shame by Reverence's birth, and though Leander was more openly cold and insulting to her, both parents generally avoided and ignored her, living her to be cared for by the house staff most of the time. Most household members of staff were also afraid of the devil girl though, with the exception of one older nanny named Cordelia, who never seemed afraid of her. Reverence has memories of the woman brushing her hair and playing childhood games with her, although one day, she never returned to the castle. Her parents told her Cordelia was old and had passed away, and after that, none of the other servants took care of Reverence the way Cordelia had.

But Reverence had one other close friend, and it was her brother, Alden. Although he was the perfect son and perfect child and Reverence was sometimes jealous and angry at him for that, Alden was the only member of her family who seemed to enjoy being around her and spending time with her. As nobles, even their childhoods were often filled with responsibilities like schooling and learning how to run their territory (for Alden) and manners and education on Selune (for Reverence), the two spent a lot of their free time playing together.

Once she grew older and had much less time with Alden as he was entering the world of nobility and courting, etc, Reverence took to books for comfort and companionship. Although her initial interest was truly just wanting to read stories of people in love or people on grand adventures, she eventually stumbled upon some writing about magic, and secretly began studying it. 


Reverence began hearing whispers calling out, leading her to explore an old wizard's abandoned tower near the city. In that tower, she found the source of the whispers:  an old spellbook searching for its master. Although Reverence knew she was not the book's master, the book seemed to accept her as a new one regardless. It introduced itself as the Grimoire of Adrazahl, which Reverence opted to shorten to "Grim." With Grim's companionship, Reverence continued her studies of magic in secret until special events happen that lead to her exploring her world with her very own party.


Reverence loves reading romance novels and talking about love, something she believes herself to be quite incapable of finding for herself. In the meantime, she's developed a bit of a crush on her book, which she communicates with telepathically.

(imagine jude law is voicing grim and TRY not falling in love with him)


order of scribes wizard

blaster/fire damage focused spells


Reverence's hair is very complicated and intricately styled, and in truth, Reverence has no idea how to do it. Not wanting to spend more time with house staff that fear and hate her, Reverence learned the spell unseen servant, conjuring an invisible helper to do her hair and help dress her each day to avoid the staff. She has named the servant Cordelia, reminded of the kind way the older woman would do her hair when Cordelia helps her. Now that Reverence is traveling, Cordelia's help is all the more necessary.