Silja's Comments

WOAH I LOVE HERRR👌💖💖💖 love the rings concept and her whole character omg/// her design is so pretty too i just can't--

Thank you so much! Designing her character and concept art was such a fun process, and now that it's all done I'm immensely attached. I'll have to update her profile with the rest of her information some day!

Similar but different: I'm really fond of Secrán. Seems like a fun character. If you ever want to do an RP with him and my Silja, just hit up my inbox and we'll talk!

Ahh i can imagine<3<3 if one day i can get the time for it id like to draw her, im sure it'd be super fun to!! I'll be looking forward the rest of her info!
alSO yes pls omg that'd be super cool!!! i'll try to dm you later then!!

Jeeze, that would be awesome. Thanks for even considering—it tickles me to know you like her design that much! I’m a little busy myself, but in the case you do decide to draw Silja I’ll whip up a little something for you as well. Gotta return the favor, and we can think of it like an art trade!

Send me a message whenever it’s next convenient. Can’t wait to hear from you!