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I'd be very much glad to but I do notice that DSMP fans are on your DNI list, and I do watch people on that server. Would you still be willing to continue? 

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I understand how you might be made uncomfortable by some of them, I can't deny that some gross stuff has been said. I try to avoid those CCs if I can but yeah sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I hope you have a great Christmas/holiday

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i am very short on pts rn but does anyone in linewithoutaHONK or my unsorted interest u? :0

Levie and Kasey very much interest me!! 

If that's alright, I'll take ur offer! 

Who would you like in to be in the YCH? 

yea i could trade both of those!! :D

could u do ?

Meant to reply earlier whoops 

Im almost done, would you like sand replacing the snow at the bottom of the globe? Thought that would be fitting but it's up to you

oooh yeah that would be cool!! tysm for asking :D

Uploaded!! I hope you like it!! 

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