Bubblegum Opal



2 years, 5 months ago


Bunny, Yue Huā



Gem Type
Synthetic Opal

Gem Location
Back of Head

Dual Half-Chakrams

Free Company

Comic Relief






Bubblegum Opal is a naturally cheerful ray of sunshine to an almost unbearable degree. She has a boundless supply of energy and constantly has to have something to occupy her time. The only time she ever relaxes is when she has Tiger Eye to balance out her energy, or when she has a human TV show or movie to focus on. She’s slightly lacking in empathy and self-serving to a somewhat annoying degree. She prefers to not contribute to the overall cause of the Free Company, only begrudgingly assisting in missions.









  • Candy
  • Rabbits
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Bubblegum Opal is a naturally cheerful ray of sunshine to an almost unbearable degree. She has a boundless supply of energy and constantly has to have something to occupy her time. The only time she ever relaxes is when she has Tiger Eye to balance out her energy, or when she has a human TV show or movie to focus on. She’s slightly lacking in empathy and self-serving to a somewhat annoying degree. She prefers to not contribute to the overall cause of the Free Company, only begrudgingly assisting in missions.



Artificial opals were an experiment created for Pink Diamond’s court in the century leading up to Era 2; meant to be multipurpose entertainers, they were made to be customized like a pearl with a range of colors and forms they could take. Emerging from the last of the testing fodder, Bubblegum Opal had little time to take a physical form before being packed up and shipped off to the site of Pink’s colony. The rebellion threw a wrench in the plans of the delivery crew whose ship was damaged in an orbital dogfight- the crew only had enough time to grab the most valuable dormant gems before abandoning the craft.

As time wore on, the ship’s orbit decayed and fell to Earth with Bubblegum Opal as the only inhabitant. The debris landed in the mountains of China during the Qing dynasty. Bubblegum formed alone and confused in the wreckage, staying put until she was found by a group of intrigued women from a local town. Her coincidental arrival with a fireball in the night sky and strange appearance was seen as a sign from the heavens; she was taken in and trained as a court entertainer and priestess to the moon goddess Chang’e.

She lived a life of both reverence due to her seeming immortality and piety from her training, but longed to travel outside the walls of the city where she lived. The industrial revolution and introduction of railroads across the continent gave her the ultimate opportunity- she bid an emotional goodbye to her sisters and headed west for adventure. On the road she met another gem, Tiger Eye- the two bonded over their desire to see the world and journeyed all the way to Europe together.

They both inserted themselves into lives of mischief and luxury, posing as socialites and ladies-in-waiting to royalty or as humble folk like bakers and tailors. Their habits of jumping from life to life led them on one of the first boats to Ellis Island and into the western wilds of America, where they stumbled across a growing group of other gems attempting to cement a rebellion against a homeworld they never knew. Finding the other gems interesting, Bubblegum chose to stay while Tiger Eye only promised to stick around for a year- but a year turned into a century.

Bubblegum Opal enjoyed the neon-soaked 80’s and 90’s the most out of any other era, naming herself after her favorite pink confection of the same name. She currently acts as the Free Company’s resident jokester, oblivious to the possibility of real war encroaching. Most of her days are spent gossipping with Tiger Eye, eating sweets, or indulging in sappy human media.


  • Gelomancy- She can conjure up sticky transparent pink gel to act as obstacles, gum up weapons, or allow her to climb sheer surfaces. This can harden on command and trap items or enemies inside.
  • Advanced Bubbles- Her storage bubbles can be freely deformed to make spikes (like Rose Quartz’s shield) and thrown, or be used as makeshift boxing gloves.
  • Reduced Gravity: Bubblegum Opal can temporarily lower gravity in a direct radius around her- this is typically used to boost her jumps, allow her to relax in the air, or slow her falls.


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