Pepomon's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

junhyungs Global Rules

All terms/rules applied here are subject to change without notice at any time.

- (For money adopts) Please have payment ready within 24 hours, otherwise the design may go back up for grabs. Holds can be negotiated. Payment is in Canadian currency (CAD). Please note the currency exchange accordingly.

-  Major changes are not allowed (the design must still be recognizable  from the original). Minor changes are allowed on a separate image, but  DO NOT remove me as the original creator.

- All sales final, reselling is allowed at a lower price than the original unless you have  additional art for them. Trading is also allowed. There is no need to  notify me if there is a change in ownership if you don't want to.

- All images are digitally coloured png's. Transparent/white backgrounds can be provided upon buyer's request.

-  All designs are for personal use only. DO NOT USE FOR NFT/CRYPTO/AI.  Reposting on personal accounts (twitter, etc.) is allowed WITH CREDIT to  me as the original artist (@jun_hyungs (primary), jun-hyungs on tumblr,  junhyungs on toyhouse, ask for others).

- I have the right to use the design images as portfolio/commission samples unless you ask me not to.