


2 years, 5 months ago


Osuke is a senior at Akuma Academy, a high school existing in DEAD REALM. Akuma Academy is a very strange place, students can stay enrolled for years, sometimes even for decades or centuries, and re-enroll after graduation just because of boredom. The facility at Akuma is massive, and the architecture often doesn't make sense. The students and teachers alike also don't much care for education. Most of what is taught here involves combat or torture or pain in some way.

At Akuma Academy, there is a ranking system for students who best represent Akuma Academy's ideals. The top 10 students are known as the Lords of the Halls. Osuke is ranked 9 and his domain involves sports, especially baseball. 

Osuke is quiet and prefers using his raw strength to assert his dominance, rather than any sort of planning or social system. Whenever his rank is challenged, he won't hesitate to beat the idiot down using his massive bat. Although Osuke prefers not to use words, it's clear just by looking at him that he is almost always frustrated by something. His brows are rarely not furrowed, and you can constantly hear the grinding of his teeth.