


2 years, 5 months ago




  • name > Windrise
        prefix meaning > Named after Hickorys Sister, Windpaw
        suffix meaning > For faer ablitity to rise up above any challenge and still remain a ray of sunshine for others
        previous names > Windkit, Windpaw
    nicknames >Windy, Bise, Cloud girl (Petunia)

    clan > Cloudclan
        previous clans > xxx
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    mentor > Heathercloud, Gloomthorn, Swansong
    apprentices >
        current > xxx
        previous > xxx

    age > 17 Moons
    gender > Cisgender
    pronouns > She/Her
  • Fae/Faer
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Uncertain

IMAGE%20URL%20HERE basic description >A high white sandy-brown tabby she-cat with grey-teal-blue eyes.

build > Lean and somewhat fluffy
fur description > Smooth somewhat flowy fur that she likes to mess with time to time
breeds > Moggy

height > 24 cm
weight > 6.8 lbs
voice > attach a link to the voicecanon
> Fresh fog after rain and apples

scars > 1 Small scar over her nose, 6 other various small scars, and 5 Large Scars
accessories > Shell necklace with two rocks for beads (Complex accessory)
banned traits >  Half-Paralyzed 


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> High-Spirited | lively and cheerful in behavior or mood.
   Windrise is an extremely fun-loving cat, her bubbly attitude and lively spirit is what makes her the cheerful she-cat that she is. She easily gets excited and can be seen smiling majority of the time when in a good mood, some might even say her grin is contagious. Overall a very affable cat.
    >> Enthusiastic | " No way, I love that too! we should go do that soon! "
    When Windrise feels passionate about something she'll get all excited about it and will put effort into whatever she may be doing. This doesn't limit her to just her own interests, but she's also just as willing to try new things and will leap at the chance to have some fun while she dos it. Need some help? Sign her up!
    >> Buoyant | " You can find the light in just about anything if you look hard enough."
    While others may not always see the positives in certain things, Windrise is able to look on the bright side of things. This allows her to see the light in any if not most scenarios which keeps her going, and is somewhat inspiring in its own way.

neutral >
    >> Quirky | behaves in a way or has qualities that are unique to a person or sets them apart from others.
   Windrise is a bit of an odd-ball, some of her interests and qualities are something that one wouldn't guess upon at first glance. Whether it be her odd interest in shores and shells despite her being a Cloudclan cat, or her odd actions. Weirdly enough her quirkiness still ends up being kind of interesting and even charming in its own right, though given a bit of a surprise.
    >> Ambitious | "My folks taught me integrity. My heart taught me courage. And my mind taught me to dream. "
    Windrise being the offspring of two important cats has always found herself needing a drive, she feels like she too can be great in her own right allowing her confidence to shine. She is able to act with purpose, but she's also able to allow herself to explore, experiment and discover at the same time. She has aspirations and will face the challenges ahead, though she may have to make touch choices to get there.
    >> Whimsical | playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.
    Windrise is a bit of a playful cat, she likes to make gentle jokes to brighten the mood and or have a little fun here and there. As an add on Windrise is very, well, fanciful to say it in simple words. Though this is given how she over-imaginatively and given, unrealistic, she is to the point where she's often getting lost in whatever she's doing or thinking about.

negative >
    >> Absent-minded | (of a person or a person's behavior or manner) having or showing a habitually forgetful or inattentive disposition.
    Windrise has a tendency to be caught spacing off or caught up in her own head which leads her being out of the loop in conversations. She's a tad forgetful at time seeing how she often day-dreams quite a bit, she can't help it though, she just likes day-dreaming a lot!
    >> Clingy | “What? I just like you a lot! Are you sure I can't come?”
    To put it simply, Windrise can be quite clingy, once she grows attached to someone she often will become supper involved and dependent on them, constantly trying to be a good friend and near them. This of course can come off as annoying or a bit much for others and when told off she'll feel embarrassed a tad and be a bit down on herself for a little bit internally.
    >> Impractical; unrealistic | " I'm sorry, I just thought I could get it all done, but I couldn't."
    Windrise has good intuitions sure, but she doesn't always think things through, rather she has very poor planning skills. On top of that she finds herself accepting all sorts of projects and responsibilities, but she often forgets that there's only so much she can do. After all she's just one cat, not two. She's not quite that rational with these things really, she thinks about things just she doesn't remember to use logic within that thought process making her a bit dreamy and have unrealistic expectations to life.


parents >>
>> Hickorybreeze > Mothfluttter > Dead
A ginger-brown tabby tom with a cream face, chest, tail tip and underbelly, unusual teal-blue eyes.
>> Starlingstar > RubyRose364 > Dead
A scarred, light brown tom with darker markings a white face, chest and legs, lilac eyes.

siblings >> 
>> Pineconelight > RubyRose364 > Alive
A darker brown tabby tom with white hind legs, underbelly, chest, cheeks and chin, lilac eyes.
>> Hazeldove > Sn0wbranch > Alive
A ginger-brown she-cat with darker markings, a cream face, chest, legs and tail tip, teal-blue eyes.
    >> Rosebloom > Mothfluttter > Alive
A rosey-brown she cat with darker markings, a cream face, chest, hind legs and underbelly, lilac eyes,

mate >
    >> name > short description

kits >
    >> name > short description

extended >

Starlingstar side
    >> Monarchfang > [NPC] Grandmother > RedishBrown she-cat with darker markings along back with white underbelly and paws  
    >> Viperflight > [NPC] Grandfather > Dark brown tom tom with darker markings 

Hickorybreeze side
    >> Sorrelwing > [NPC] Grandmother > A ginger-brown she-cat with pretty green eyes
    >> Whitegorse > [NPC] Grandfather > A long legged very old white deaf tom with deep blue eyes

    >> Oakrush > [NPC] Uncle > A ginger-brown tom with a white underbelly, green eyes. 
    >> Windpaw > [NPC] Aunt > A mostly white she-cat with ginger-brown tabby patches, blue eyes. 

mate > xxx
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests > Caracalpaw (previously), Oakblossom (Platonically rn, doesn’t realize it rip)
    looking for > fling / long term / etc

likes in a potential mate >
    > Interesting
    > Complimentary to herself
    > Softies; inside or out
    > authentic

dislikes in a potential mate >
    > Selfish
    > Amoral
    >  unreliable; untrustworthy
    >  Someone who'd be more prone to cheating on her

interested in kits > Uncertain
preferred family size > Average amount of kits



Den Building

Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
   Windkit was born shortly after her older brother Pineconekit, and older sisters Hazelkit and Rosekit, fourth aka last age wise to be exact. All four kits were welcomed into the world with loving eyes,  Hickorybreeze and Starlingstar had long been awaiting for the kits arrival during the leaf-fall season, even the rest of Cloudclan seemed to have been waiting for them seeing how eager some clan members had been to see them after hearing the good news. The calm breath of air from events prior to the Windkits and her siblings birth had allowed the two, her parents, to reflect, Starlingstar had decided he wanted to be a father and seeked out his friend Hickorybreeze who agreed to surrogate their kits and act as a second dad to the kits having wanted to help raise them too. 

  While the kits would be raised between two cats joint by mateship, they would be raised with much love, it was something Windkit never found herself complaining about, she loved her dads regardless. 

 When Windkit asked her dad Hickorybreeze about the meaning behind her name she was told that she had been named after her aunt, Hickorybreezes sister Windpaw. She felt a bit bubbly  and curious about her aunt as a small inspiration bloomed after hearing about the cat she hadn't gotten the chance to meet. As to how this conversation had started it had sparked through her siblings asking about their names prior to her own little question which lead to the family just sharing that moment and smiles.

Things began to get a bit chilly as leaf-bare came, though Windkit didn't seem to care too much, she found herself just snuggling against her parents and siblings. Not long after, Windkit had gravitated towards a non-binary kit by the name of Blossomkit! The two got along swimmingly as they swiftly became best friends.
      Soon enough more kits were born, and Windkit had more friends to talk to! That included a kit by the name of Tidekit, whom she and her friends, as well as siblings, had stirred up a conversation with after finding the kit by the medicine den. Pineconekit seemed to be the most eager to talk to the kit but she said nothing to him about it. Though at some point an apprentice had lost their voice, hearing about the cats situation, it inspired Windkit to ask her dads to teach her how to sign early on in her youth. Though throughout the cold season more and more cats kept going away? But she was more focused on the increase of fellow kits in the nursery and hanging out with her amazing family.

Suddenly a kit named Frogletkit had gotten hurt one day after accidentally hitting his head on a rock. Curious, both Windkit and Blossomkit made their way over to the other kit, sparking a conversation while asking how he was. Much to their surprised the tom told them both that he couldn't see them all that well, and the den was dark, though the two were a bit confused, cause the den was fairly lit and visible. It was made apparent the kit couldn't see, so being the cats they were, the duo befriended the young kit while talking to him in a means of comfort.

With leaf-bare coming to an end, two cats had gone missing, one being an apprentice, while the other was a warrior. According to a bit of gossip Windkit heard something about two-leg scent regarding the warrior but was prettyyyyy sure she was mixing things up. But hey! Frogletkit was let out of the medicine den, of course with moderation, but Windkit was thrilled for him. On top of recent news though, her parents, Starlingstar and Hickorybreeze, had announced their mateship! Needless to say, Windkit along with her siblings were ecstatic, hugging each other and overall having a good time. 

Apprenticeship [ 6 - 13 moons ] >
   Finally it was time for Windkit and her siblings to shed their kit titles as a meeting was called, Starlingstar's and Hickorybreeze's litter was first to be called up during the meeting. After waiting for her turn, the sandy tabby was apprenticed to a cat named Heathercloud, a very cheerful warrior who also found their heads in the clouds sometimes. It was clear these two were going to get along just perfectly! After her turn had ended, there was roughly about eleven other cats to rank up that day, excluding herself and her siblings.

Training was going amazing, Windpaw loved training with her mentor, talking about all sorts of topics with them as they did. Eventually Windpaw had asked her mentor about how she felt about how she presented themself, curious how they knew what she wanted to go by. After a bit more discussion Windpaw realized she had started questioning her own pronouns and what she wanted to go by. Of course she liked using she and her, but something felt a bit missing. It took her some time to realize but soon enough Windpaw found herself growing fond of fae and faer, and shortly began using them for faerself! Needless to say they fit perfectly!

 Cirruspaw was granted the rank of Cloudclans full fledged medicine cat, earning them the name Cirrusflight early in the day. Though the ranking up of a few cats also occurred as new warriors were made that very same day. Most surprisingly, Snailpaw had came back that day as well, bringing along with him a stranger, though most cats seemed to recognize the cat and was pretty popular. Snailpaw was named Snailbelly that very day after that. As the day came to a close though, Creamytail had said her goodbyes as they returned back home to Marshclan. It was certainly odd seeing the medicine cat leave, but valued the time they spent here.

Shortly after everything, things seemed to take a turn for the worse as suddenly her beloved mentor Heathercloud had passed away after eating some diseased prey. Windpaw certainly took a heavy hit from the news, though even through her sadness she tried to keep a smile, her friend and mentor was in a better place now hopefully.
Due to her mentors unfortunate passing, Windpaw was reassigned to train under the cat known as Gloomthorn. He was certainly different from faer previous mentor, though that wasn’t to say he was a bad mentor himself. Rather, Gloomthorn was a pretty normal mentor, though they weren’t as eager to get close like Heathercloud was. They did teach them the stuff they needed of course, correcting anything with a neutral tone, which always did make her unsure of his mood or current emotion. She didn’t really mind though, she always made sure to do her best and act cheery though sometimes she got distracted only to quickly get set back on track by Gloom via calling faer name. Plus they always made sure rhat fae ate before and after a training session which was nice of them. She saw it as his form of caring though she wasn’t too sure but it still made her happy. Although her mentor never really did make it a point to grow any relationship with them besides just training unlike Heathercloud which did take some getting use to sue to her clingy nature.

Although things seemed to be getting better, trouble was brewing off in the distance. For a while now the two-legs had been making their way through the territory, their weird monsters hanging around the east side of Cloudclan as they constructed something. Though not many were sure what. By now Starlingstar had decided to hold a scouting mission to go check it out. He  selected a few cats, asking for warriors and apprentices as Windpaw and her mentor Gloomthorn being chosen along with faer sis Rosepaw. Things seemed to going okay at first, Windpaw  was fascinated by all the new stuff on the territory, it wasn’t anything fae had seen before! It was around then when they had all decided to split into two groups, a few cats leaving to go in her mentors group meanwhile Windpaw stayed with her father. As they approached the strange two-leg place there was something off in the distance, a large animal with hooves, nothing the clans had ever really seen before, or well not that she could recall.   The apprentices eyes had lit up with fascination as she broke off from the group to approach the creature in awe. Upon reaching out for the animal it let out a loud high pitched moo that echoed in the air, startled the apprentice instinctively cling onto the leg of the cow. It was pure chaos from there, the patrol ran over to try and help fae,  her father first to arrive on the scene, telling her to let go but she shouted back that she couldn't, fear holding her in its grasp, worried she'd be stomped on or something else, so she clung on. It took a good stomp from the massive creature that loosed faer grip before it flung its leg, sending the apprentice flying through the air, landing on some soft soil though she had cut her nose on a stray rock. As she looked up again she was met with the sight of her father shoving Daisyspring out of the way only to be instantly stomped on under the cows hoof. Windpaw let out a shreik, calling out to her dad before ugly crying, Irispool quick to join her by faer side. It was during this chaos when a stranger had appeared telling the patrol to fall back. Windpaw ended up sticking to Iris's side, sobbing in their shoulder as they made their way back to camp.

Starlingstar died in camp not shortly after, which hurt more then anything else. It was only after Starlingstars death ceremony, was Windpaw reassigned to yet another mentor after learning about what had happened to Gloomthorn. Swansong was certainly a whole lot different then Gloomthorn, showing a lot more compassion while also being patient with faer, allowing her to grief while comforting faer before Windpaw had begun to act more like her perky self while getting along with Swansong. Though that didn't mean the wound wasn't there, rather, she had been acting like everything was fine, putting a smile on her face while refusing to talk or acknowledge what had happened, trying to push down her intense guilt.

 One day, a group of cats had snuck out of camp, seeming to go behind Halfstars orders as they went back to the barn. They had gone there to rescue her former mentor as they would find out upon seeing Gloomthorn return to camp. The cats were punished by not being granted to go to the next gathering, but Windpaw was glad to see her grumpy former mentor was alright and back home. It wouldn't be too long after that when Halfstar finally choose a cat to act as her deputy, a large friendly cat named Lupinestorm. Following their new role, the freshly made deputy was thrown at a gathering a short while after, Windpaw being one of the Cloudclanners who got to attend. Quest stuff is announced and Wind thinks about it.Though in other news, Windpaw found faerself beiging to spend more and more time with Caracalpaw, both of them sharing a crush on eachother while hanging out and spending time near one another. It was rather sweet, their friendship had developed into something more. Though the voice in the back of her mind never did leave her alone about how she really was feeling, even considering the quest. Surely Caracalpaw would understand faer feelings.

Wind talks to caracalpaw admitting that she didn't feel right staying in cc during a heart to heart moment and it sparks a heated arguement cause caracal doesn't take it well. The argument quickly got out of control which in tur lead to the two having a falling out, breaking things off after that. From then on she started acting somewhat distant, hurt by why had happened. They just wanted to get away more then anything, so fae did their best to get Halfstars attention to be selected for it. She had her reasons to go on such a quest, she just hoped that maybe this could benefit her. Though at the time she didn't think all that well about how her actions might wound up hurting faer siblings if she were to leave them. She was just hurting on the inside and wanted a distraction.

Much to her to luck, Windpaw was indeed chosen, alongside Otterbounce, Gorsewing, and Jaypaw. She was grateful, looking up at Halfstar before nodding. She had to make up for things, for Starlingstar, and just, everything. This was her chance to set things right! They were sent out after the ceremonies of some of her clanmates.


It had been early morning when the group had left Cloudclans camp, Windpaw admittedly excited as they left, though nervousness still did linger in their stomach, they were running from something and they knew it deep down. But right now wasn't the time for that, fae looked on the bright side of things, happily trotting long as they made their way over to the hope bridge. It was there when they had met up with Dropletshine. More cats began to arrive as they stood there, begining to introduce themselves. Among the Emberclanners they had Ganderslash, Pimrosed, and Skipperpaw! Meanwhile in Hailclan they consisted of Bearbranch, Juncogaze, Cinnamonblaze, and Moosepaw! As for Marsh, it was Fogheart, Cedarbark, Alpinepaw, and Lagoonpaw! Everyone there seemed pretty friendly, there was some other apprentices here too which was exciting! New friends! Though right before they had set off, Dropletshine had offered the group a bunch of items like flowers, feathers, etc. A few cats had picked up some cool new accessories which was nice! Though Windpaw only took some vine, determine to find a seashell at some point, though just not right now, besides, fae would earn it with time. With that they headed off!

 A couple days had since passed from when the group of bout sixteen-seventeen cats had left the territories, following Dropletshine as their only guide to the unknown. Finally the group had managed to find one of its first obstacles, a ravine. There had been rushing water flowing at the bottom, seemingly having no paths across. No worries though! Windpaw was prepared for this sort of thing! Somewhat anyway. They along with some others in the party began finding branches to use as a bridge, mean while Skipperpaw had jumped across followed by Moosepaw. Though two other cats weren't as lucky as Cinnamon had managed to fall into the river as well as Cedar, whom of which had fallen in twice, both of them injuring themsleves. Meanwhile Windpaw had ran off to go help Dropletshine who had gotten tangled up after getting across the ravine while following a squirrel over some tree-banches. Thankfully though fae were able to help get them down, though admittedly it was a bit tricking doing so, having to engineer around some things. Afterall, fae were only an apprentice, not nearly as experienced as the warriors whom where many inches taller and bigger, though that didn't stop her! At the end of the day though, everyone was able to eventually make it across.

Then was the deadlands it was disheartening. Coyote attacked, Wind tried to help scare em off but wasn't very intimidating. Lagoon got hurt, and Gander managed to get the coyote to run away. Wind looked for a small sign of hope the forest could come back to life, found an acorn which had sparked the hope, but a fire started. Wind and Skipper tried to put out the flames, Alpine intercepted them, the three apprentices were pulled away and guided by Fogheart and Juncogaze, though Alpine and Skipper suffered quite a few burn injuries.

Then was the rest period and meeting the deer cats for the first time. Some being untrusting, others backing off, meanwhile Wind was fasniated and wanted to make friends so she just kept being her perky self.

Another week went by and they met the emperor incharge, it was nice! Wind befriends Petunia, most notably petunia as they grew friendly, and Persimmon, learning about all that, and then being taken to meet the emperor and the traveling sect of the empire. Traveled with them for a while trying to figure out where they were meant to go next. Then departed.

The next week proved to be fun as fae had fun at the beach like she always wanted and raced wit petunia. They had fun while others tried to figure out which path to take to go home, come cats go a bit annoyed with them but hey they were having fun and swimming. Wind got her shell at last but she did cut her paw on some other shell during the race on the sand that caused her to stumble. She just sucked it up and didnt mention it

Finally droplet said they knew where they were at last and that they werent far from the clans whoever the group then found a dead bob cat. Then it happened, some large feline had attacked the cats. [info dump]. Windrise had made stealthy mae her way up a slope over onto a cliff side, treading fast as she did before standing at the top. With that she jumped down, managing to hurt the creature with her drop attack only for fae to be ripped off and throw into the air, landing on incredbly sharp rocks, yelling out in pain. She almosts dies from this, persimmon and Petunia freaking out trying to save her as shes dying. Thankfully though Petunia is able to stablize her ang gets her away from the fight.

Arriving back home to her clan certainly was quite the task, fae were covered in wounds when they got back to camp, though thankfully they were patched which in turn kept her stable. It had been the help of Petunia and Persimmon that had allowed Faer to be able to return, mostly leaning on Petunia to drag herself before simply being carried. Seeing faer family and friends again made the happy go lucky feline tear up from joy, all other feelings and emotions being shove aside as she simply had missed them all so much. During all the reunions, Windpaw had approached Petunia, asking them if they would like to join Cloudclan with fae. Much happily, they had swiftly said yes making Windpaw overjoyed, she was so thrilled to have Petunia be apart of the clan. Most importantly though, she’d have her friend beside her, they did mean a lot to fae after all.

Warriorhood [ 13 - present moons ] >
     Before being brought into the Alongside Jaypaw, now Jaychirp, Windpaw was named Windrise in honor of her ability to always do her best to rise above the negative things and challenges she may face in life, while also remaining a ray of sunshine who is always looking on the positive side of life, and seeks to be that positivity for others. It was an honor receiving faer new name, it really did mean a lot to the molly, making her smile after hearing it.
Afterwards Windrise was brought into the medicine den along with Jaychirp and Otterbounce where they would treated and looked over by Cirrusflight. It was dark outside as it became night when Blossomberry had came to visit Windrise while everyone else in the den was sleeping or at least getting ready to. It was a rather pleasant surprise as the two swiftly began talking, chatting with one another just like they had all the time when they were apprentices. There was so much to be caught up on! And Windrise couldn’t wait to exchange stories with Blossom.

A little bit of time had since passed form faer return back home, Jaychirp and Otterbounce being released from the medicine den while she hadn’t. Thankfully he injuries were no longer
life-threatening, but she now had something else to face, Rehabilitation. Upon her near death experience with those larger cats at the mountains, the injuries she had sustained would leave faer half-paralyzed, just like how her father dad been injured after their encounter with a cow. It was the beginning of a new chapter in her life as she would now need to learn techniques to help manage faer disability, though she wasn’t disheartened by this, if anything feeling closer to Starlingstar. One of the treatments she would need to begin was a physical therapy of sorts, Petunia was by faer side for these every lesson upon request- besides, she could tell they wanted to be there regardless which was rather sweet of them.

Throughout her stay in the Medicine den Windrise often found herself getting quite a few visitors on the daily, it made her feel rather nice. She loved playing whatever she could, whether it be with a moss ball or some games with the other cats that came in the den. Especially enjoying seeing all the kits running around having fun. If she wasn’t playing, she was talking nonstop to anyone who was willing to chat with the friendly molly. Even singing sometimes, simply just enjoying the moment.

Some cats had been made warriors during her stay in the med den, a few cats she recognized, or well most if not all. Though she couldn’t help but feel a bit bad after hearing about the other news that followed the same day as a few cats went missing, one out of the three seeming to really affect her brother Pineconelight. She recalled seeing Tideflower and Pineconelight hang out around each other a lot when they were apprentices before Windrise herself had left. She only hoped Tide would return just as fae had. For now the best thing they could offer is support towards her beloved brother. Even Blossomberry seemed just as hurt as he was after loosing their brother, it must’ve been tough for their best friend. The sandy tabby made sure to give faer best friend a big ol hug the next time they came to visit.

Finally Windrise was released from the medicine den! She made sure to wish everyone else in the den faer best wishes while also giving Cirrusflight a quick hug to thank them. It was quite pleasant being in the med den though now she looked forward to getting to go around camp and even get outside around the territory, making sure to bring Petunia with her to wander it a bit as she dragged herself around, though Windrise opted to not go out very far since since it was only her first day out the den. Surprisingly there was quite a lot of lotus, she didn’t recall there even being this many insects when she was an apprentice wandering about with her three separate mentors.

It was about a day or two later when tragedy struck, Hickorybreeze had passed away around the same time Petunia had fully joined the clan along side Persimmon. Persimmon keeping their name while Petunia changed theirs to Oakblossom. It hurt hearing the news, but luckily she had Oak to lean on now. Both these things happening a moon apart from eachother. At the very least she found comfort in know he was now with Starlingstar, renunited once again.


Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  Exploration; Moving around
  •  Running around in the meadows 
  •  Sunbathing & splashing around
  •  Daydreaming
  •  Shells!
  •   Letting fear hold her back 
  • Those who question her fathers leadership
  •  Fire.
  • Strict regulations and rules
  •           - " I need to stretch my paws! Cut loose, c'om on !"

  • 🟆 Based off my own family annual get together by the beach and quirky fun aunt vibes that I got from her
  • 🟆 I think this is the first kit of a high rank I've ever owned so thats fun. It would be a shame if someones leadership was questioned through their kids 
  • 🟆 I gave her the nickname Bise because of her birth date and how at the given time she was born surrounded by heavy snows at the time as well as the snowstorms during this time. 
  • - Bise also is a type of cold wind that travels in the northeast and onward.
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)

profile html by Hukiolukio || Written Application vicstars on DA & ScorcherSoldier