Amaris Moonshadow



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Time has been lost to her. She believes herself to be at least 20 years old of Ghaia time.


Descended Moon Elemental


Amaris is a slender girl, her long midback length hair is a purplish red in color and usually pulled into a bun with a wand or three sticking out of it. On her forehead is a crescent moon, it's design changes from day to day but is always silver in color. On both of her cheeks are purple marks in the shape of long, slender triangles with the points angled towards her nose and mouth. Clothing wise Amaris is usually dressed in a yukata, hakama and a sleeveless shirt. If the weather is cooler she will add a navy cloak over everything.


Amaris uses a longbow and a dagger. Her quiver is worn at her hip.


Undead Hunter, Adventurer


Amaras is a very honor bound person. She will draw what 'face' to present to people depending on her first impression of them. She would never harm somebody she had taken a liking to, but her definition of harming leads up to knocking a person unconscious. If she doesn't gain a favorable impression of a person, she is far less likely to assist them and may kill them if the slight is enough to her person.


Before the Shattering, Amaris was an adventurer and a hunter of undead. Her travels brought her to the Marshes of Moon shortly before the Shattering. Afterwards she found herself changed along with the plane itself. Lost, she spent the next years coming to terms with her new planer lineage. Time passed differently for her under the skies that were never quite daylight. Amaris found herself traveling with others from Ghaia for a time in the beginning before they found their own places to settle. 

Many years later, an eclipse empowered Moon, and that in turn lead her back to Ghaia. Amaris found herself near Ashton, where she met Nicolas. He took the lost girl under his wing to mentor in how best to hunt undead and the changes that had happened since the Shattering. They traveled to Varinguard, a kingdom where undead and necromancy was legal.