Basic Info


Custom adopt by MistressOfTheVoid on DeviantArt

Value obtained for

50 DeviantArt Points


Ghost (Undertale)


She wants to compute. It's important to compute. There's something very important that she needs to figure out, and fast.

Adopted from HERE

Undertale by Toby Fox
Design by MistressOfTheVoid on DA, based off the ghost monster species in the game Undertale

-Talks in typical monster font, but very quickly and in a monotone and her words kinda blur together? This can lead others to believe she is speaking another, unintelligible language1, but she just doesn't feel like slowing down for any random hooligan. Get the picture?
She doesn't want to talk to you.
She just likes to compute. Out loud. When facing someone who should really know better, shouldn't they?
-Probably a Gaster follower... except not? It's not clear where ghosts lie on the spectrum of real/not real/Voidspace
-Hasn't been around much since something strange happened     -for a while, a while.    <== highlight if you have an unquiet Soul


like Wingdings duh, what did you expect?

     Is there any chocolate?

Form used for custom:

Main Emotion/Trait: focus, like HYPER unwavering emotionless FOCUS. No matter the consequences.

Ghost Number: 1

Magic/Blush Color: purple. preferably dark purple.

Accessory: cracked sunglasses

Gender: girl

Name: Zeta

Payment method: Points

//narraChara being Chara in 2019 of all places!