


2 years, 5 months ago





NameSimon (Minmin)
HometownPasong, YR
GenderMale (He/Him)
Age7 Weeks
Birthday:February 14
AlignmentChaotic Neutral


"meow :3"


Minmin is a little shit. Though he is very affectionate, trusting, and enjoys pets. He is an attention whore who cries when he doesn’t get his way and is smart enough to have realized that when he cries, he usually gets what he wants. Minmin also does not like competing with others for attention and will find alternative ways to assert dominance.


Minmin is a small calico cat with a black spot that looks kind of like a heart on his butt


Kim Chaewon Cordelia is minmin’s owner, and 2nd favourite person. He enjoys that she gives him pets, food, and can create small pieces of ribbon or ice cubes for him to play with. Minmin enjoys Cordelia’s company and will generally follow her around if not preoccupied with other things.

Pat Minmin is confused and slightly scared by Pat. Though he acknowledges that they’re similar-ish in size, the fact that Pat can talk and presumably be understood by those around him confuses Minmin greatly.

Simon Rosario To Cordelia’s delight and Liso’s dismay, Simon is Minmin’s favourite person, one can regularly find Minmin sitting next to him in the barracks when Simon is off-duty, hounding him for attention. It is unknown why Minmin takes such a liking to Simon, though Daniel firmly believes that it’s because Simon sweats more.

Liso Hapayhari Minmin is neutral towards Liso, she gives him attention and food, and he does bother her to play with him but she isn’t his first choice. Though, Minmin does find it somewhat enjoyable when she picks him up because she’s so tall.

Talia Talia has only spoken to Minmin a couple times, and she freaks him out immensely, but that’s primarily because Minmin doesn’t fully understand the existence of Gods and how this woman is speaking to him inside his head

Choi Do-hun Minmin cares little for Daniel but if other aren’t available he will bother him within the Palace libraries, screaming at him until he’s allowed on the couch and can be pet whilst he reads.
John Mark Lingad Caretaker
Erinna de Leon A bitch


Minmin was abandoned by his mother as a kitten, to be found by Cordelia on 3am winter stroll along the waterfront. Frantically, Cordelia hurried back to her dormitory and cared for him, leaving him in a blanket covered pen in the corner for the night. She was not exactly sure how the incredibly small Minmin escaped onto her bed next morning, however Talia had assured her that the kitten licking her forehead was to be her cat now. From that day onward, Minmin has become greatly attached to Cordelia and usually chooses to follow her as she performs her religious duties. 


● Because of his upbringing Minmin enjoys water and sometimes will swim

● Minmin’s favourite toys are icecubes

● Minmin is very clingy and will cry if not given ample attention

● When staying with them, Minmin collects ribbons scraps from Cordelia parents’ workshop and hides her favourite ones around the palace

● Minmin likes licking toes

● Minmin’s favourite person is Simon, whom he is named after for their similarity of eating Cordelia's food when she isn't looking

profile html by Hukiolukio