


2 years, 6 months ago


A Rather mysterious cyborg who spends his time searching for something... He serves as some sort of protector for the people he cares about and speaks in a very monotone voice. Most residents don't know much about him, but they love to theorize (Especially the Old Ladies Bingo Club™, oh god.).

Slate's behavior can come off as quite cold, due to his brain being tampered with and all of that. Conveying emotion through tone can be difficult for him, but it is possible if he is feeling a lot of a certain emotion. He cares for the people he's close to, even if he seems distant at certain times.
When fighting, using stealth, or doing various other activities, Slate's motions seem to be a bit over the top. This is most likely due to the fact that his creator had been watching too many action movies, and had wanted his creation to almost perform a show while performing these tasks. As you can assume, he is very proud. (We get it, Mortus! You're a sci-fi action flick nut! Now go take your meds!)

Surprisingly, he enjoys karaoke.


-He collects figurines like a middle schooler. Don't touch his shelf.
-He's always had a habit of getting obsessed with random things. Mortus likes to keep track of all of his phases on a designated notepad.
(Let's see... The Nintendo-bro phase, the "I'm too cool to listen to my dad" phase, the "fuck ducks I fucking hate ducks I'm going to eliminate all the ducks, its for the good of mankind" phase, the Terminator phase... Wait hold up that one is a little concerning, like, should we be worried about that-)
-He almost always helps his creator with his experiments. He's quite helpful, as Mortus himself is remarkably short.
-You can remove his helmet. It's not permanently connected to his head, although it does snap in place like a puzzle. It serves as his main power source. Without it, he can survive, but he will be a bit slower and stupider. Oh well, at least he can canonically get a haircut. Yay!
-His right hand can be used for a variety of things. These can range from it withdrawing objects like swords and other weaponry, to literal whisks (He's got cookin' to do).
-Slate can be quite oblivious to a lot of things. He's trying, bear with him.
-He has a bad habit of speaking to any "robots" in the area, regardless of their function. He loves speaking with the toaster in the laboratory kitchen (...He feels sorry for the thing and swears on his life that he will "save" it one day).
