Taero (CruixCraft AU)



2 years, 5 months ago




  • GENDER Nonbinary
  • PRONOUNS They/Them
  • ORIGIN Avian
  • CLASS Cleric
  • BIOME Dacite Ridges
  • DEMEANOR Carefree & Resilient
  • VOICE Tender & Velvety
  • BIRTHDAY 02/01
  • AGE 22
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Evil


Taero is an avian initially from the Aether plane before falling down to the Overworld plane much like the other avians. Though initially a deep follower of both gods Aethyion and Quarris, now lost wandering the vast unknown of the Overworld, unable to return to the Aether. During the mysterious "Falling", Taero was touched directly by thte god known as Ventior, leaving voidlike markings on their skin similar to that of the End Plane.

In the current events, Taero is now stationed in their own home in the Dacite Ridges, surrounded by a forestry of trees, keeping her safe from the outer world.


After the events of the Everwinter Village, Taero is mostly closed off. They don't let a lot of people in out of fear of losing them as well. They're very selective on who to get close with. They let their anxiety of loss control them a lot of the time. However, they are very much free-minded when in their element. If caught in the mountains and breathing in the fresh air, Taero is known to lose themselves to how things used to be before the god's war.


  • CC!Taero has more of a wolfcut hairstyle.
  • On their back, CC!Taero has small white-feathered wings. These are full-sized wings in their Aether-Arc
  • There are Void Markings on CC!Taero’s Hands, Shoulders, and if showing, their full legs.
  • In dark environments, CC!Taero’s Horn Gemstones and Right Eye glow.



Ace • Close Friend

Unlikely colleagues at first, the firey blaze and the flightless bird. In a small village, Autumnstorm, rumors of a mysterious being having taken shelter in the high mountains circulate around. Sounds of clanking and machinery can be heard distantly through the echoes of the cliffs. Some locals suspected something monsterous. In the curiousity of the young birdfolk, Taero found themselves climbing the tall, snowy mountain and unexpectedly got caught in a pile of thick, packed snow. Through the sounds of their thrashing of trying to escape the white sinkhole, a hand suddenly grabbed and pulled Taero out, melting some of the surrounding snow in the process. The avian coming face to face with the 'monsterious' blazeborn known as Ace. The two found themselves unable to properly communicate with a language barrier but Ace proved himself to be anything but monsterious by willingly helping the small avian up the mountain and settling them with a couple's lodge..

Overtime, Ace would learn a common language to better communicate with Taero with. They would venture up the mountain pretty frequently, the two sharing their own stories with each other. When Taero expressed their interest in potion making, Ace was quick to provide the materials needed from the nether for them. Today the two are as thick as thieves, aiding in each other's endeavors.


Name • Relationship

Describe the relationship here. Mauris vel metus ac nulla ornare tempor. Fusce rhoncus libero nisi, a porta tortor maximus quis. Ut maximus aliquet eros, vitae placerat augue imperdiet nec. Suspendisse vitae posuere massa, vel faucibus nunc. In sem tortor, pharetra at eros sit amet, tincidunt tristique neque. Praesent bibendum eget justo at volutpat. Duis at diam quis felis rutrum egestas. Ut in hendrerit leo. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla et augue faucibus leo lobortis consectetur. Nam nec tincidunt odio.

Donec tristique massa a lorem luctus dictum. Nulla iaculis pharetra diam eget dictum. Ut non mi ullamcorper, feugiat odio in, blandit massa. Praesent fermentum porttitor lacinia. Fusce egestas volutpat eleifend. Duis rutrum convallis justo id aliquet. Cras ac tempor nulla, eu malesuada lectus. Mauris porttitor scelerisque purus, id tempor diam convallis vehicula. Nunc tincidunt hendrerit nibh. Integer eget molestie orci. Phasellus nec tortor at quam ullamcorper maximus vitae sed nisi.


Name • Relationship

Describe the relationship here. Mauris vel metus ac nulla ornare tempor. Fusce rhoncus libero nisi, a porta tortor maximus quis. Ut maximus aliquet eros, vitae placerat augue imperdiet nec. Suspendisse vitae posuere massa, vel faucibus nunc. In sem tortor, pharetra at eros sit amet, tincidunt tristique neque. Praesent bibendum eget justo at volutpat. Duis at diam quis felis rutrum egestas. Ut in hendrerit leo. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla et augue faucibus leo lobortis consectetur. Nam nec tincidunt odio.

Donec tristique massa a lorem luctus dictum. Nulla iaculis pharetra diam eget dictum. Ut non mi ullamcorper, feugiat odio in, blandit massa. Praesent fermentum porttitor lacinia. Fusce egestas volutpat eleifend. Duis rutrum convallis justo id aliquet. Cras ac tempor nulla, eu malesuada lectus. Mauris porttitor scelerisque purus, id tempor diam convallis vehicula. Nunc tincidunt hendrerit nibh. Integer eget molestie orci. Phasellus nec tortor at quam ullamcorper maximus vitae sed nisi.


Taero originated from the Aether, part of a winded breed called Avians. These creatures were known for their graceful flight and traveled between both Aether and Overworld planes. The horned brunette was no exemption. From a young age, Taero was much more than just an experienced flier. They deeply fell in love with wildlife and agriculture. Taero would regularly snack on various fruits and berries among the overworld.

Avians were loved by both the Aether goddess, Aethyion and the overworld god, Quarris. Aethyion cherished her lovely birdfolk and the birdfolk cherished her in return. Taero would commonly leave out offerings for the sky goddess as many other avians did. Though no one would ever see her, all could feel her presence in the winds that blew past, and Taero was no stranger to that feeling.

Growing up, Taero’s parents were notorious story tellers. The many legends of the 4 gods were a favorite of Taero. Aethyion’s legends were commonly made into songs. Up in the clouds of the aether, the avians could be found dancing among the peaceful breezes that carried the musical feats of their sky-based goddess. The avians were a familial group, often grouped together by their folk. Most avians cherished this time with their fellow birdfolk.

Life was peaceful and calm. The avians left unbothered for years. Enjoying their time between the two planes. Blessed by both Aethyion and Quarris. The feathered family was content.

Then the quarrels began. Rumors began circling around. It started small. Taero noticed the goddess was no longer around to accept the offerings of berries. The musical breezes became harsh winds. Gliding became fighting against the current. Aethyion was angry and everyone knew it wasn’t just her.

The overworld’s waters weren’t as calm and could rise into chaotic waves at a moment's notice. Cracks started to appear on the surface, opening up to dangerous ravines. One could worry if it cracked too far down, it would break through to the nether plane. The sight of the undead became more noticeable. Villagers found themselves hoarding crops and materials to stay safe against the monsters. Suddenly, the avians were seen as enemies.

The endermen, native to the end plane, started to appear more frequently on the overworld plane. Though, noticeably extremely weakened by the mere droplets of water. Taero remembers trying to protect one from the rain with their wings but the tall figure growled in a hostile manner when it noticed Taero was looking into their eyes.

No one seemed to understand the reasoning for the sudden chaos. It felt like every creature was left to their own devices, their respective gods too busy to protect them. The avians found themselves exploring more and more just to find salvageable food as the villages were now closed off from them. The days became longer and darker. The aether’s clouds covering the sky and harsh rain became a daily occurrence.


Then the day known as “The Falling” came. Only aged 15 at the time, Taero remembers it as clear as the sun was that day. What started out as a normal flight through the rain turned to clear skies. The avians flying together over the ocean water nearly celebrated mid flight, seeing the bright blue skies appear as the clouds started to dissipate. Everyone believed they were watching the end of the god’s war. However, they found themselves celebrating seconds too early.

It sounded like the largest clap of thunder and there was a harsh wave of wind, causing the after-rain clouds to disappear into the atmosphere. The birdfolk suddenly found themselves falling. And they were falling fast. The avians had lost their ability to fly in a mere instant and the feeling of terror surrounded all of them.

White feathers blew into the sunset sky, the avian's wings were falling apart as they nosedived to their end. Screaming filled the air as they reached for their arms of each other, trying to salvage any hope for each other. Wings were stretched out at their largest capacity but no matter how hard any of them fought the air, the birdfolk’s fate was obvious.

Taero found themselves falling with their back facing the newly calmed waters bracing themselves for impact when a sly and curt voice cut through the harsh air blowing past them. “Let’s dance, my feathered friend.” It slithered as time seemed to slow down. The sensation of pricking pins tickled their skin as an invisible force gripped down on their shoulders. For a split second, Taero saw the physical form of Ventior grinning before dissipating into void particles.

The rushing wind turned silent. All Taero could hear was the loud splash of water before everything fell to black.


Almost a month after ‘The Falling’, Taero awoke in a dim room, wrapped in a blanket and laid upon a soft pillow. Where their wings used to be, were feathered stubs. Dressed in light clothing but their previous attire neatly folded on a chair on the other side of the room. The sunlight bled through the shuttered windows as Taero dressed themself and made their way out to meet their host.

Surprised by her now awakened visitor, the older woman explained to Taero how she came to find them. Washed up on the coastline with many of their fellow flock. She sounded sorrowful as she described the many that lost their life from the impact. The very few that survived managed to help get the younger ones to shore. How she described her fight to convince her fellow villagers to take them in. Taero was the last of the flock to finally wake.

In those moments, Taero came to realize many things. Their parents were among those that were left in the vast ocean. No one from their flock had stuck around to wait for them. And one fact that the older woman came to confirm, the Aether had closed itself off. Aethyion had effectively barred off the avians.

The older woman was kind and patient, helping Taero get back on their feet. There were days of sorrowful crying. The family they once knew gone, those that were still alive had left the young Taero behind.

Healing took time. The older woman had led them to the small memorial made by the other avians. Taero stopped to speak to the lost any chance they got. The villagers that initially were wary of Taero’s presence opened up quickly. They grew a patch of raspberry bushes specially for Taero after learning of their love of them. In response, Taero grew content in aiding in activities.

The older woman was a cleric for the village, specifically known for her potion-making abilities. The woman would come to teach Taero her knowledge. Even creating a written copy of recipes for Taero to keep. This book came to be something Taero would cherish for days on end. They found potion-making pleasant. The many concoctions and their results showed to be enthralling.

The villagers soon introduced their language of songs, similar to how Taero’s old flock would circle around to enjoy. It felt like a new home, being welcomed in and cherished as one of their own despite the truth of their origin left barren on their back. Taero found solace on the overworld, spending time researching the other 3 gods after being failed by Aethyion. They refused to speak of the Aether in any capacity, purely out of rage and grief of their fallen family.

Overtime, Taero noticed small markings start to become more and more prominent. Where the god Ventior gripped on their shoulders, there was what could be noticed as a sort of infection. The skin turned a void-ish black, trailing down their shoulders. More markings were noticed at Taero’s fingertips and their waist. It seemed to be a message left from the mysterious end god. Taero could only question if the other surviving Avians were also touched by the same void markings. Was this why they survived while the others did not?


After a couple years with the village, Taero finally decided to step into the unknown for a short journey. Encouraged by their found family, Taero followed the dusted path towards the hillsides with a horse at their side and materials to last a couple months. It was a journey centered to find the other avians. Taero had made their way through almost 3 other villages, one of which turned out to be left with only the remains of monsters. By month five on the road, Taero decided it was enough and to return home.

But arriving home at the six month mark, smoke filled their air. Taero rushed through the streets of their founded homeland to find evidence of the villagers fleeing their home. Belongings thrown around, the library’s important works torn apart, and doors hanging off their hinges. Then Taero finally came to the older woman’s home. The door cracked slightly with scratches on the frame. It was quiet.

Left on the main table was a letter, folded neatly with a hurried scratching of Taero’s name. Taero ran through the home, searching and begging for any form of life. There was a storage unit left filled with some items left specifically for Taero, including the prized book. Before panic could set in fully, Taero finally opened up and read the note.


I hope you find this in good condition. I promise you we are safe. The monsters invaded our village one night. We managed to fight them off but it’s become too dangerous to stay. The others are urging everyone to pack up and leave. I begged and begged to allow me to stay for you but they say I’m much too old to survive on my own. I pray that you are safe. If you do return, I’ve left your belongings in the chest in your room with enough food to last you another journey out of here. I hope one day I’ll be able to see you again. You are a strong bird, prepared to take flight again. And I hope to live long enough to see you soar like you used to. Lovely Taero, survive for me.

Signed, Umber"

Given time to process, Taero slowly folded the letter and started to pack up as much as their backpack could hold before making their way towards the coastline. Finding the unbothered memorial, Taero kneeled down to say a final goodbye to the fallen avians. Fighting back tears as the sun slowly began to set just like that day.

Before leaving the desolate village, Taero ran by the vacant infirmary where the older woman often worked. Though all of the materials were mostly taken, the woman made sure to leave one brewing stand left. Packing it up in a safe bag, Taero finally made their way to their horse at the village edge. Placing any excess belongings on their horse’s back before slowly turning their back to their previous home.

Days turned into months. Taero realized they would end up going the same route as their previous journey if they kept traveling with the intention of looking for their found family. After a few more days on the dirt path, Taero finally decided to search for a new homeland.

However, looking for another village was not on Taero’s mind. Taero didn’t want to find themselves left behind again. It felt easier to just settle down in their own home, alone. Away from others and no one to depend on.


What came to be Taero’s 19th birthday, after traveling through a multitude of different biomes. Taero finally settled on a quaint little forest. Surrounded by holly and spruce trees but with enough of a clearing to be able to start a new home from. With time, Taero had finally built up a small shack to start off with. Taking the leftover seeds in their bag, Taero made a mini farm. It was small and with much to be worked on, but it was a starting point.

This time, Taero was prepared to not let another person in. After losing two familial bonds, they were not ready to lose another. And with the spreading void markings, Taero was not prepared to face another person who wouldn’t treat them as a monster first…

It was starting to feel safer to stay alone in this chaotic, vast world…


  • Raspberries
  • Amaranth Flowers
  • Candles
  • Potions
  • Daggers


  • Meat
  • Wildfires
  • Thunderstorms
  • The Nether
  • Deep Ocean


  • Potion Brewing
  • Enchanting
  • Farming
  • Adventuring
  • Gliding


  • Food: Caramel Milk Chocolate
  • Biome: Dacite Ridges
  • Time of Day: Sunset
  • Animal: Bees
  • Color: Pink
  • Weapon: Long Sword



  • The feathers of Taero’s wings have mostly fallen off, leaving small stubs where they used to be.
  • The gemstones on Taero’s horns noticeably glow.
  • Taero dropped directly into the ocean’s coastline the day the Aether closed off from the overworld.
  • Ventior's void touches originate in 3 places: fingertips, shoulders, and the waist. These are slowly spreading.
  • Taero has since devowed themselves from Aethyion and the Aether, but now finds themself questioning Ventior and what lies in the Void plane.
Code by Aurorean