


2 years, 4 months ago


57281659_bkQ47wADN8qgZRr.pngOnce, Uzerin's greatest rival - unable to defeat the other in battle, Therzin took to instead prodding at the other's laws and speeches publically, and soon became the unofficial head of an insurgent faction, much to Uzerin's chagrin. Though Therzin never intended to overthrow Uzerin, he did enjoy questioning the other and disrupting his absolute authority over the cycle. Despite most of their debates being over philosophy, Therzin has never had a solid belief in any particular school, and is mostly a contrarian seeking to prod holes in Uzerin's arguments. Their rivalry has cooled since their induction on Evenne, and Therzin has been somewhat content to watch the vastly-more-ambitious Uzerin rise up as a central figure in Evenne life. 

Due to age, Therzin has long forgotten what his young adulthood and life as an animal was like. He has a variety of powers (mostly relating to song, sound, and music) under his belt that he neglects to use, so used to being defeated at Uzerin's claws that he fails to remember they CAN be utilized. He does make a concerted effort to meet any other behemoths on Evenne and befriend them, at least.