


2 years, 5 months ago


A soldier betrayed by his kingdom's leader and sent off on a mission that lead to his and a few others' death. As he died he swore he would get revenge. His intense grudge caused his body to become reanimated and risen from the ground, but only long after his kingdom had fallen. Cold and undead in a world he no longer plays a proper role, he trains and searches for a new purpose in life. 

Generally pretty cold and aloof. Not particularly social and is often on his own. Is rather skillful in combat but his body doesn't feel quite the same as it did while he was alive. His blade and some pieces of his armor were salvaged from the spot where he and his comrades had died long ago. Is somewhat directionless and still bent out of shape from his betrayal, but continues to train as if working towards some mission or something. 

Hopes to encounter some sort of motive in his aimless traveling. Occasionally finds himself protecting others who are in danger because of his strong sense of justice, but tends to move on from others quickly due to his new nomadic lifestyle.