


2 years, 5 months ago


Persona, someone who I wish I'd be

Alizer | Allo | zelly

she/her               - has a raspy, partially deep voice. very Androgynous

- goes to the gym often! Still has some stomach chub because she doesn't put the effort in eating all the way healthy. fairly strong

- a pet yellow python snake named omelet, 3yrs old || small dog named Tiny, it's 13yrs old || has pet pigeon named Cherry, had for 1 year so far

- Works as an freelancer taking commissions and selling adopts. Although does freelance work sometimes for small local businesses.

- Loves digital painting and doing concept work. Does small projects with game developers on scenes and sometimes character design and model work. 

- Can do all forms of art, has wood carving as an often go-to hobby. 

Lives in a small 2 bedroom home, an absolute plant lover Has a bedroom souly used as an office, with a beefy computer for whenever she wants to game.

- nibblin on a edible

- can play drums, both the common drum set and marching drums.