
6 years, 8 months ago


winter, she/her, 16, human, straight, single

new description coming soon, adopted from @The-Black-Queen


General Information

First name: Winter
Surname: Quest
Age: 16
Date of birth: 12/8
Race: human
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Current residence: where ever the fuck
Relationship status: single
Social status: creep

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): american
Language spoken: english
Other languages known: none
Style of speaking: chill/sassey
Volume of voice: depends

Physical Appearance

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120
Eye color: dark green
Skin color: patchy
Shape of face: rownd
Distinguishing features: semi sociopathic
Cup Size (if relevant) : A
Build of body: fit
Hair color: army green
Hair style: short
Complexion: clearish
Posture: good
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Typical clothing: shorts and a long sleeve shirt

Personality: rude till you get to know her, but who the fuck wants to be around a semi sociopath? ;  she is also a bit selfish mostly because people don't take the time to get to know her once again its because she is semi sociopath ; she is also vary mysterious or ore bluntly she likes to start shit  ;  lonely for good reasons  ; and dishonest, she likes to hide the truth ;  forceful, in her words "you are my slave , now do what i say"  ;  as well as anxious/paranoid , i mean she is should be in prison ; cruel, i think this goes with out saying ;  and violent, tho she likes to poison people more then braking there fingers ;  and finally, manipulative, she loves to black mail people or her 'slaves'  

Story time her dad abandoned her and her mom so they were living alone for awhile wall she killed small animals….. Her mom insisted on taking her to a therapist but Winter always said ‘no there is nothing wrong with me’ over and over this happened until finally she got sick of her mom’s nagging so she killed her in cold blood… a couple weeks later the neighbors complained about a bad smell and called 911.. Soon after the cops investigated her apartment finding her mom’s corpse  and a lot of photos of her from different angles all over the floor and walls, they interrogated her and Winter confessed to killing her mom…. Weeks later they sent her on a plane to go to a prison island… wall on the plane she murdered the pilot. In an attempt to save her life crashed landed the plane leaving her stranded here


Illnesses (if any): Vitiligo
Allergies (if any): Death (it makes it hard to talk)
Blood Type: O-
Energy level: whatever
Eating habits: Raspberries
Memory: good
Any unhealthy habits: killing animals


Parents: mom, her name was July (dead), dad, his name is/was Peat (abandoned her and her mom)
Any enemies (and why): the law


Peaceful or violent: Violent
Weapon (if applicable): hands
Style of fighting: bone braking


Dominant Hand: left
Occupation: Janitor
Favourite types of food: raspberries
Favourite types of drink: alcohol
Hobbies/pastimes: drawing the corpses of the animals she killed, taking photos of the animals she killed
Pet peeves: Jay (only sometimes)
Talents: bone braking
Favourite colours: red