Rosemary (og design)



Included flavortext/lore, also by PalletEclipse!

[Name] has always been a nature lover. The thrill to walk through the wilds looking for berries, friendly little critters, and remarkable growth patterns within plant life. [Name] found the walks to be peaceful and as if some part of her remembered this wandering feeling. Almost as if longing to be lost, yet always found, where-ever she may be.

One day, she took her normal path through the lands. The evening was cold and the light fading, as usual for this time. Though this evening, the forest appeared unusually...alive. The wild little creatures dashed among the undergrowth and bound through the canopy layer. [Name] had never been so entranced by this usual walk. She continued deeper, giggling and watching the fauna abound; catching only glimpses of the creatures as they hurried from sight.

[Name] took to her hands and dashed around. Playfully chasing the creatures that stayed just out of reach and always out of direct line of sight.

[Name] smiled and looked around. Struck by an even more vibrant scene of brilliant glowing plant life. [Name] thought that the light had never left, though it clearly had. All that guided her path now, were the bioluminescent flora. Purples, greens, blues, and more filled her eyes with life. These plants were not usual for her. She tried to think of where she possibly could have gone! [Name] had been all over this area in the many prior walks she had done, but this was all alien to her. Yet now, only the strong purple hue of the plants kept her company.

"Now, where have I led myself?" [Name] asked herself, though she did not expect to hear any response.

"Wh-where-ere?" echoed around her, in a strange and distorted tone of her own. [Name] quickly looked around, ready for what may be near. Her tendrils flailed about in a frenzy as she peered deeper into the brush that seemed to creep ever closer to her. [Name] felt smaller and smaller as she looked further into the dense forest.

[Name] broke focus and began to glance about for an escape.

There, in the distance, a glimmer at the edge of this dense illusion of mal-formed reality. [Name] dashed for it, refusing to look behind as she rushed. The branches and plants felt as though they grabbed at her, ripped at her fur. The forest wanted her to stay, it needed her to stay. "No!" [Name] screamed, full of fear and anger.

She crashed through the brush and tumbled to the ground. The forest's purple, vibrant light no longer visible. The land returned to what she knew. She regained her thoughts and stood. [Name] shook her head and began the walk home.

Though, this time she felt as though someone else was walking with her.


large wing ears - oddity

second set of colors - oddity

tendrils on lower body - myth

overgrown horns - myth

particle tendrils - myth

glowing eyes - rare

solid eyes - rare

metallic markings - rare