


2 years, 6 months ago


 we think you’ve changed, bro

Name Jason
Age 19
Alias -
Gender Male
Sexuality Unlabeled
Pronouns He / Him
Role -
home country Canada

 we know best
  • Tips of his hair and tips of his ears fade into a more
  • Eyes are light red.
  • Has other outfits, but mainly wears sweaters. Mainly the purple one.
  • No tail
  • Simple shoes

Jason is an energetic and talkative guy. He’s nice to most people. He loves talking to his friends and making new ones. Even though he may seem like this, at a certain point, he’s just full of thoughts and gets more ‘rude’ (as some may say). He really tries his best to not be seen as annoying by anyone. He’s a good dude, really.

He actually gets attached to people (or things) pretty quickly. When he meets a new person, and they start talking to him, initiating conversation, paying attention to the things he says, etc. There’s a chance that he might get attached to that person. The same for fictional characters or media. When he starts getting attached to a certain character or franchise, he doesn’t let anyone know that he likes it. He gatekeeps it as much as possible from others, in the fear of them either liking it more or somehow ruining it for him.

Theres also a bad side to that quick attachment thing he has when it comes to actual people. When his attachment to someone slowly fades (Wether it may be because of something the person did, said, or maybe even because of nothing at all),  he starts getting more distant. He talks less to the person, avoids them, that kinda stuff. How sad it is that this happens, after some time he’ll warm up to them again. Definitely not much as he used to, but he’ll warm up to them.

Some people may not really like him, wether it’s because of a first impression or of his personality on it‘s own. He still gets through the day with the people that do like him. Yes, he does get hurt by hearing comments that people have made about him. But he manages.

Despite his personality, he’s actually quite sensitive. If somebody yells at him in a serious manner, he’d actually try his best not to cry. He can’t handle certain loud noises, aswell as yelling.


solitary social

observant dense

logical emotional

organised messy

assertive turbulent

 you suck

Some may call him addicted, but he’s not, really. A lot of his free time is spent on his phone, because he basically has everything on it. Memories, friends, etc.


He didn’t know how to play it for the first 3 years that he’s had this guitar, he just had his guitar in the corner of his room. After those 3 years, he actually tried to learn how to play it. Turns out, he can play it pretty well.


On first sight, he actually didn’t have that bad of a childhood. He had friends, parents, and enough money. Although, he has a bit of problems with his mother. Don’t get him wrong, he loves his mom. But his mother could be very mean to him. She used to blame stuff on him that wasn’t his fault, and didn’t allow him to talk back much to that whatsoever. If he did, she’d go to her room and leave him alone for the rest of the day. His dad, however, great guy.

He used to be the weird kid at his elementary school. You know, that one kid who always liked the horror games and had a weird sense of humor. But he learned to kind of.. mix it in with a more ‘relatable’ personality. He used to have a lot of friends, but those kinda turned out to be a little toxic towards him. (Despite him still turning back to them at times, and acting like he forgives them.)

He used to (and still does) slip into random states of sadness. Once he cries about something, and then that continues for the next week. Maybe even longer. It’s more like a state of just feeling bad in general, where his mental health just gets really low at a certain point. But he’ll get back up from each of them, eventually.


  • Besides guitar, also likes to sing and draw.
  • Actually loves poetry. Both reads and writes it.
  • Wants to adopt a snake someday.
  • Theatre kid.
  • Probably has OCD.
  • LOVES theme parks and fairs.
  • Is actually so good at claw machines.
  • Is kinda bad at running fast, gets tired easily.

 we think we know you
Aesthetic Me core
Alignment Neutral good
height 5’8
fav Song Eff - Bo Burnham


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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!