


2 years, 9 months ago



Name Nimii'edei
Called Nimii
Age Pre-Wing Stage
Gender Nahd
Height 4"
Build v smoll
Race Nymphra
Role Shares Information
Gem Tourmaline
Demeanor Quiet
Form Northern Meldora
Theme Song link


  • Raspberries
  • Quiet Spaces
  • Pockets
  • Knowledge


  • Maria
  • Star Trek
  • Too Much Attention
  • Cold Weather



"Data Storage"

Like all gem nymphra, Nimii can store vast amounts of knowledge, "images", and "videos" in her memories to display at will. She can choose to dispose of whatever she chooses and will instantly forget something upon request.

Nymphra Communication

Gem nymphra are not a hivemind, however, they are able to communicate between each other. They use the ambient magic in the air like RF waves to trasnmit information between each other. They act as a pseudo internet for Aurina, though it is limited.

Vast Star Trek Knowledge

Because of Valentina's love for Star Trek, Nimii is cursed with storing entire series in her memory to replay for her. She does like some of the characters, but her lack of choice in the matter has made her bitter towards the series in general.


Nimi is the Nymphra that lives inside and powers the magic of Valentina's gem. Because of this, her knowledge is rather diverse, ranging from old science fiction and fantasy books and films to mathematics to pharmaceuticals. She also watched much of the abuse and trauma Valentina suffered at the hands of, first, her father and then later, her cousin Maria. Because of this, she is very careful to carefully moderate what messages she recieves, especially from Maria.

Later Life

She becomes the first Nymphra that Narmal (see relationship tab) learns of and will, much later, live in his mineral collection. While she doesn't dislike being Valentina's "gem", she still learns to love her autonomy. She has a love for raspberries, along with other fruits, but does not need to eat anything to sustain herself.


She was born with and grew with the gem she lives in now. Originally, she was from a group of Nymphra living in the caves of Northern Meldora, but willingly was removed for her magic to be used to share information between other Nypmhra in gems. While it was completely voluntary, in exchange for the vast knowledge of outside the caves and the freedom to collect her own information outside of what her owner asks for, the trade off isn't the most fair.



Valentina Von Krueger [ Friend ]

She worries a lot for Valentina, seeing everything she's been through. She puts up with all of the dorky books and shows Valentina asks for only because she knows it's one of the few things that gives her escape in life.


Narmal Endrick [ Friend ]

She is unsurprised about how much Valentina likes this guy and thinks he's probably the only person more of a dork than her. She thinks he's rather nice, though.

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