Ezra Somnus



2 years, 6 months ago


name: Ezra Somnus
age: 37
gender: cis male
height: 6'1
occupation: resident dream therapist and senior agent
location: the motherlobe
psychic abilities: hypnolepathy (unique), telekinesis, mind reading, levitation, zoolepathy

- has to wear a staff badge on a lanyard due to his questionable fashion choices. despite having a senior agent badge, nobody thinks he really works there unless they know him.

- developed his own unique psychic power, which is referred to as somnilepathy or hypnolepathy. it gives him the power to enter a person's mind when they're in asleep and in a heightened dreaming state, and can be used to influence one's feelings and thoughts related to recurring nightmares or phobias. ezra's dream therapy usually involves aiding clients with mental blocks they might be experiencing, though in extreme cases can be used to influence the client's behavior in the real world as well (i.e. if someone wants to stop disliking spinach, ezra can give them a pleasant dream about eating spinach and the client will wake up with a craving for it). it's similar to mental connection, but isn't quite as literal, and can only be done when the person is asleep.

- isn't a very skilled psychic in other areas like most psychonauts, aside from hypnolepathy, but he has a good grasp on telekinesis, mind reading, and levitation. he also has zoolepathy, but its limited only to owls and one specific possum, which no one really knows the reason for.

- when not in a therapy session or on a mission, ezra devotes his time to studying how intense REM sleep can manifest in other psychics, and how vivid dreams can potentially interact with the innate psychic abilities an individual might possess.

- isn't usually called for missions, but since he can go long stretches without needing to sleep, ezra excels when there's a need for an agent who can be out in the field for extended periods of time, especially when surveillance on targets is needed.

- lost his pinkie finger in his childhood. right before discovering his psychic abilities, a classmate at school told him that humans could bite through their own fingers with the same amount of force it takes to bite through a baby carrot. the thought wouldn't leave ezra's head, and manifested in his dreams later that night, which trigged his hypnolepathy for the first time, which was powerful enough to manifest in the real world, causing ezra to bite his finger off.

- since psychics are unable to enter the minds of children, whenever young agents or interns are having bad dreams or trouble sleeping, ezra will offer meditation therapy, as well as nightmare counseling, helping them work through the sources of their fears without using any psychic powers.