


2 years, 5 months ago



Name: Quincy
Age: 40
Gender: “Whatever fits my mood I guess ha!” (Genderfluid)

Pronouns: They/she

Height: 6’5
Weapon: “Ten-Ton ”Gauntlets
Clown Kind: Gatekeeper


    Being one of the many Gatekeepers of Hester, Quincy is most likely the first clown one meets after awakening from carnivalization. Strolling on fairgrounds, she's recognizable face as locals favor her for lending her strength when needed. They're considered an “aunt/mother figure” to most clowns since she often displays a mentor-like disposition to the newly carnivalized. 

   They're shown to be an easygoing, determined, and silly clown! When she isn’t on Gatekeeping duty, they're helping out their two pals, Marzy and Diex, with bounty hunting in which she has years of successful experience in. As tight-knit as she is with her friends, she's reluctant to become vulnerable with others, let alone allow them to visit her trailer for too long.

    Some of Quincy's favorite pastimes are painting portraits of herself or others, blasting 80s alternative rock/punk at four in the morning, and helping those in need. It's best when their friends join in their throwback punk sessions!

   Quincy is a learner as much as she’s a mentor, since they are intrigued to understand the perspectives of every walk of life. She’s a great listener yet brutally honest. Furthermore, She speaks in a lighthearted, dark humor approach when supporting someone who's struggling with anything; they never hold back or sugar coat any of their word of advice for their friend’s sake, even if it’s ultimately hard to hear. It may not seem like it at face-value, but Quincy is incredibly heavy-hearted to those with deep-rooted trauma, as they themselves have experienced countless scarring events when they were alive. She’ll insist on carrying the baggage along, but demands to see their friends rise above from their turmoil. Ultimately, even if their loved ones are convinced they’re incapable of anything, Quincy is devoted to seeing them grow, pushing them on no matter how tough things get. 

  Quincy's Gatekeeper bulk allows her to carry her "Ten-Ton" Gauntlets (they aren't really ten tons, but it sure does feel like it.). She's absolutely merciless and loves to get messy in combat,  throwing swift, gut-crushing, blood coughing  punches at their opponents. While Quincy is resilient, using up that amount of strength at top speed can cause her to physically shut down in shock and recharge; so she must be mindful of when to channel wild and complex moves. Her alternative is simply crushing bones and flesh into a meaty pulp, preferably the head.