Kenny ([Story-Character Vers.])



8 months, 25 days ago





Fancy Rat










chaotic neutral














Kenny is a realist and drowsy Fancy Rat. She holds herself in a very calm manor, often being described as sleepy or mellow to those near them. Kenny tends to be the voice of reason in many situations and often finds themself in the leader role, whether they wanted it or not. They often aren't opposed to being in control, but despite their mellow front, Kennys a buzzing mess of stress and feeling desperately in the need to control most things in her life, even if said thing is out of her hands. Kenny prefers to be able to take charge and feel their opinion is heard by acting on it themself. Despite this less than ideal trait, Kenny still works strong in a group and can often be more open to other opinions over her own, she tends to prefer to be amongst those she trusts and can be very nervous and skittish around new folks. Above all else they strongly hold compassion to a great height and always tries her best to be open and kind, making it all the more frightful when they do snap from time to time. Kenny’s nature in being both skittish and leader had brought her to some less than ideal ideas, and paired with her resilience against authority has landed them in many of… interesting scenarios.

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Kenny grew up in a lower-class, small, suburban town in the woods. They grew up with close connections to their neighbors and school mates, the town was small enough that everybody knew everybody, and everybody knew each other's business. The comfort of a small town proved to be of help for Kenny, as it helped them to develop a support system outside of her home, as she found great companionship with other kids in town. The first one was her neighbor a block down, Ishmal, a Hoary Bat and an immediate friend. The pair had been close as hell since Elementary and somehow stuck together since then. During their life in School the pair ended up meeting Warner, a Grizzly Bear who could throw them both across a room if wanted, Kenny found her striking and cool and aspired to be friends with her, it was a shock to Kenny when Warner approached them instead and Kenny found themself adoring Warner more after getting to know who she is. Warner came with Jamaal, a white-tailed deer with an anxiety disorder and a knack for knowing how to get them out of trouble. Kenny and Jamaal bonded over their anxieties and Jamaal was always the most excited to wander the woods with her, so the two would take relaxing walks through the woods together in the rain a lot. And they stumbled upon Freida, a Fresian Horse, while exploring the woods. Kenny hated Frida for a while upon their first meeting, she was new to the town and obviously had come in with a hatred for it, but through lots of time and late nights staying up and venting, the two became quite good freinds. The 5 of them stayed close and were known to be a tight knit group; they all spent most of their time in the woods or exploring the waters of the creek, far from their homes. Kenny tended to lead their expeditions as they knew the woods best, living right beside it. She preferred the woods and her friends to the harsh reality of her home. There Kenny tended to stay quiet, a stark difference from their usually loud demeanor in school and with friends. They fear their house more often than not, the loud arguments that would alway erupt sent Kenny into a panic more often than not. Most conversations with her parents ended in punishment or shouting. So Kenny stayed in the woods, and tried to be kind, the opposite of what they grew up around.


In school Kenny was quite social, despite being adverse to most outsiders they thrived in the school setting, knowing most of the other kids since elementary there was that small unspoken bond between everyone. Kenny tended to have shit grades though, and tended to be a disruption in class, either to herself or others. Kenny is noticeably autistic, and paired with ADHD she has a very very hard time sitting in classes and doing most work, finding herself in a panic not being able to open her computer when an assignment is late. Kenny is also used to being a neutral person in the eyes of many, and when received negatively they can often react defensively. This is what happened in the case of Hunter, a Squirrel that Kenny had known for years, and the two had one hell of a rivalry; most suspensions came from the two of them getting into quarrels. It was junior year when the two got into their last fight, it ended in Kenny breaking his nose and accidentally breaking a desk, she got a rip in her ear from this. It resulted in Kenny being expelled; the combination of past records and poor grades, and now destruction of property landed her in poor light by the head figures. Kenny refused to go home that night and instead went to Warner’s house; her older sister, Barbra, was often there. Barbra had been a guardian figure for the group; she raised Warner more than her parents did and Kenny knew they could confide in the bear. Barbra was less than pleased to hear what happened, but let Kenny sit and wait until Warner came home. When Warner got home the two of them spoke for a long hours. Kenny didn't know what to do from here on, or even if she wanted to finish school at this point, she had wanted to before, but now she had nowhere to go.

Months passed, and summer break came. Months of planning and conversation happened during this. Kenny had been working two jobs during this time and would copy off her friends' work they would get from school. They had racked up a good amount of money, but still feared going home every night. It was the beginning of Summer break, the small group of 5 had been talking for months, and finally decided to leave home.

They left on a clear Wednesday night and went north, their only goal to see the ocean. Living off quick jobs and cheap motels they ran from home and didn't know when they were coming back. Along their travels they come across many figures and met new creatures that treated them with kindness enough to help them along their way. Everyone in the group has something to run from, and now they are free to run. Kenny in particular has the most nerves about his entire ordeal, none of them have directional awareness and are relying on the kindness of strangers to get them along. Kenny’s the best fit to do quick jobs, the kids will often stop in small business and offer to do work for some money; where Kenny would often be the one working, having more experience in that field. Dining and Dashing also became common, but it was fun for them after a while. Kenny found solace in seeing other creatures like her that were far older than them (primarily other Queer & Neuordivergent folks) living well and providing the group with fellow kindness, something the 5 hadnt grown up seeing much from adults. Her story prevails mainly through their travels and through the people they meet and the thoughts she has, there is no one clear end quite yet but I do know that for Kenny it's more of a mental journey than not, and damn does she have to do a lot of mental growth to do.


  • A bit after the events of the story (or during I don't know) Kenny ends up meeting another group of guys and ends up hanging out with them a lot. The group ends up starting a biker group together because they’re cool
  • Kenny really likes to go fishing, she loves fish and most water life and will go out of her way to see water. There was a small pool in the Creek that Kenny could easily access. A Largemouth Bass lived there that Kenny thought was the Coolest Thing and she would always go and watch the fish
  • She knows how to drive, just not legally. The only one in the group with a license is Warner and she doesn't like driving so Kenny ends up doing most of the driving
  • They used to make maps of the woods, they had dropped that after a while but on their trip they’ve picked up the thought again. Jamaal’s mom makes maps professionally so Jamaal tends to help Kenny with drawing maps





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