Mirror Observer



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Mirror Observer, Observer Parallel, Slumber Observer






The Parallel Universe observer


psychic, alternate reality observer


Lawful Good


Mirror Observer is a unicorn who has the ability to observe parallel universes among many other things including the past and present and even knowledge about the normally what can't be seen, he does this through the use of dreams where during a typical night sleep he can often get a dream which allows him to witness a parallel universe or a possible future event.

His dreams however are often very vague and very short not allowing much time to take in what he has witnessed he is also incapable of controlling where his dreams take him or even what they are trying to tell him and commonly he can get confused between a regular dream and a dream that is caused by his magic which can very quickly make other ponies lose his trust especially when he has had just a nightmare

Though in the rare moments when he has correctly predicted a bad event such as the rise of a new villain, he has received major praise for helping save the lives of many Equestrians.

Due to his powers he is always on edge as he never knows if the vision he had of a bad guy kidnapping him was of this reality or even a real vision to beguine with

The New Colonies

Despite the fact he was seen as being weaker than the average unicorn, Mirror Observers ability to be able to occasionally see the future came in very useful for the new colonies and often it resulted in many unneeded conflicts to be avoided this on more than one occasion helped keep the peace of the what was already unstable population

Believes: to prevent evil from coming

Bonds: the population of Axelstone and Lota

Flaws: is incapable of defending himself in any way shape or form as he is a complete pacifist

What he is good at: foreseeing the future

Likes: TBD

Dislikes: TBD

weakness: despite being a unicorn his only proper magic is his dream magic, he poses hardly any other magic to the point where he is not even considered a unicorn by day