Estelle Sirius



2 years, 6 months ago




Estelle is a pretty carefree person, and loves to be lost into her books. Specially ones involving magic and other worlds.

She admires Merlin's knowledge, begging to learn more from him. She is also very grateful to him, for keeping her safe while she was in a coma.

She has a friendly rivalry with a boy called Talos, who is extremely gifted in the magic arts. Despite his cunning remarks. She grows close friends with him. Both of them learn alot from Merlin and each other.

Estelle was heartbroken when she found out, how her home fell to darkness. And that her Great Uncle, Ansem the Wise vanished. But when she was able to return home, deciding to fill into his shoes. And take responsiblity, and help the towns people rebuilt their home.


5ft 8 inches
Blond/Very Long
  • Estelle has long blond hair, which she tends to tie up in ribbons.
  • She wears a black hairband alot too.
  • Her main outfit consists designs of her home world. Raidant Garden.
  • She tends to wear outfits that make her feel comfortable and confident.



  • Kind
  • Curious
  • Confident
  • Knowledgeable


  • Books
  • Travelling
  • Gardening
  • Magic


  • Xehanort
  • Darkness
  • Feeling Helpless
  • Being Teased

"I learn more from books, than you do on brains."

She loves to challenge herself, and learn as many things as she can.

One of the reasons she takes studying seriously, is so she doesn't feel helpless again.

If she doesn't like you, be prepared for the backlash.

If she see's or hears anything to do with Xehanort, she goes into shock and has massive panic attacks. The experiment he did upon her, has traumatized her.

She is very proud of herself, when it comes to things she does to help others.

She has a crush on Riku, and struggles to admit that to him.

When her dreams of world travel come true. She opens up even more to people.

When it comes to magic, she likes to master every spell.



Strength 20%

Stamina 50%

Magic 90%

Resistance 60%

Accuracy 80%

Courage 80%

Strategy 80%

Luck 50%


Unleashes an incredible burst of flame.


Calls a great maelstrom of lightning to the target area.


Unleashes a gust of frost. Longest range.


Wrings a percentage of HP from the target. Widest area of effect.


Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage and deflects certain attacks.


Restores a massive amount of HP to one character.




Estelle was born in Raidant Garden. Despite barely remembering her parents. She knew the short time living with them, she was greatly loved. She lost both her parents to the heartless, when she was 3 years old.

She almost ended up being taken to the orphange, if it wasn't for the fact her Great Uncle took her in. Ansem the Wise who ruled over Raidant Garden. Estelle never felt like she was no different to children her age, her uncle was like her father figure. And would always make time for her, during his secret research. She was fond of some of his Apprentice's. Specially a young boy called Ienzo. When ever her uncle was busy, she tended to stick to him like glue. Her first childhood friend aswell was Kairi. The two grew pretty close fast. If she wasn't spending time with her Uncle or Ienzo. She would be out in the garden's playing with Kairi. Estelle's first interest, in other worlds came from Kairi's Grandmother. Her stories grew her curious nature. Then she took to reading to books in the library when she was on her own, which she didn't mind. Filling her head with the facts, brought her other enjoyments. Things began to change however, the day her uncle found a man called 'Xehanort'. An unknown man, who possibly came from the outside world. Estelle felt uneasy from the man, whom claimed to have no memories. Within this period of time, her Uncle barely spent time with her. Only Ienzo came to check on her well being. And could tell how lonely she became. Missing her Uncle, and wondered what occupied his time so much. She sneaked into the under part of the castle. And could hear her uncle arguing with Xehanort. When Xehanort left the room, the look in his eyes towards her. Made her uneasy. When it seemed like her Uncle was putting his research behind him. He vanished, to her surprise his apprentices over took the castle. Trying to find Ienzo, to figure out what was happening. With horror saw Xehanort struck Ienzo down, right through the heart. Seeing his young body fall to the ground, and his heart fading away. Trembling when she saw what he then did, to one of Xehanort's guardsman. Braig. She screamed starting to run, only to be caught easily. Having a tight grip on her wrist. The last thing she remembered was, 'You'll make a perfect test subject, before I try it on the Princess of Heart.' Estelle was sent away in a machine by Xehanort. The shock of the experiment in the machine, caused her mind to go into a coma. Not knowing where she ended up, she ended up in a town called 'Traverse Town.'. And was found by Merlin whom took refuge, from the destruction himself. Knowing who she was, took her someplace safe. Because she went into a coma, not because of magic. But distress. Merlin put a spell on her body, so it could protect her and maintain her. Until the day her mind can heal and wake up.

10 years Later

Estelle's coma lasted 10 years, and during that time Merlin's spell kept her safe. This is the reason her hair also grew so long.

When she finally awoken, to her surprise. She found how much she had grown, confused at how much time had past.

Merlin explained to her what had happened, and that her Uncle was missing. And alot of her loved ones lost their hearts to the darkness.

The shock of everything broke her down to tears, Merlin consoling her. Telling her to not lose heart, and that he would help her.

Estelle begged Merlin to teach her magic. Perhaps learning, maybe she could do something next time. And help others around her.

From this day on, she learnt everyday all the famous spells. Everything he could teach her. This was also around the time she met a boy called 'Talos'. One of Merlin's descendants.

This was when their friendly rivalry started, but also became good friends.


When her home was restored. Merlin returned her home. Seeing some of the damage done. Also her Uncle still missing. This was when she took the mantle of helping the people.

This was when she met a boy called 'Sora'. On a journey to find his lost friend. When Sora told her, he explored many worlds doing so.

Estelle grew excited, begging him to tell her more. This was around the time, when Sora came to look at her Uncles computer.

When Estelle saw a certain portrait, of the man who was behind everything. This was when she had her first panic attack. Causing her to collaspe.

When she woke up her home was under attack, by the Heartless. Remembering that day pretty well, she helped the Restoration Committee. With the help of Talos, the two of them were able to help.

After the battle Sora apologised for what happened in the lab. Estelle explained that Xehanort did some unthinkable things to her. And telling him how she lost her Uncle, her loved ones. She didn't even know what happened to her childhood friend Kairi.

Sora reassured her Kairi was alive, but he was trying to find her. And by defeating the Organzation, he hoped to find her again.

Leaving with a promise, she still had hope she would see her uncle again.

Estelle eventually was reunited with her Uncle, Ienzo and her childhood best friend. Brought her joy beyond words. This was when she met Riku for the first time, when she heard Sora was missing. She said she would help them find Sora.


Ansem the Wise


Great Uncle

The only known father figure in her life, she adores her uncle very much.



Brother Figure

Ienzo lost his parents aswell to the heartless. They grew up together raised by her uncle. She see's Ienzo as her older brother.



Best Friend

Kairi was the first friend she made. They would always play together in the Gardens.




If it wasn't for Merlin, Estelle could have lost her heart. He preserved her body till she woke up. After that she became his student. Along with Talos.



Rival/Close Friend

Talos is one of Merlin's descendants. Estelle met him the day she started learning magic. At first she found him bothersome. But the two are very close now.



Love Interest

She adores Riku, though she is far too shy to admit her crush on him. She is travelling with him to track down Sora.



Close Friend

Despite only meeting for a short time, Estelle got on really well with Sora. She is determined to help find him. And bring him home.



Uncles Apprentice

Ever since the experiment he did on her, as a child. She has panick attacks even the mention of him.

Marina Ayers


Close Friend

Estelle doesn't like how Riku treats her. But Marina and her grew close, after learning how both of them have suffered serious tramua. Even more detemined to help her find Sora.