Ruri Lapis



2 years, 6 months ago




Ruri was once a plain human girl, with small ambitions and wanting to live a normal life. Never asking for more than what she had.

Despite not being able to bond easily with people, she was very happy with her father.

But now her whole being was shifted, when a mystery maiden came across her in town. The maiden reached out to her, ripping her heart from her chest.

Refusing to vanish from existence, letting no one determine she was not meant to exist. She was reborn as a extremely out of the norm nobody. Her whole inner being now has been tainted by darkness. A dark nobody.

Ruri feels nothing but hatred and rage, for the ones who now make her suffer. Broken how her father died forgetting her.

Sadly now in the future, having to except the fact she has to learn to live without a heart. Has become nothing but painful.


5ft 6 inches
Dark Pink
Dark Pink
  • Ruri is a splitting image of her mother, and to her dismay shares Marina's face.
  • Ruri wears a green zipped up body suit, which she finds easier to fight in.
  • She tends to not care what others think of her outfits. Later in her existence she took up making her own clothes.
  • Her main noticeable physical traits, are her dark pink hair and eyes.



  • Bold
  • Grumby
  • Cold
  • Collected


  • Ice Cream
  • Sunsets
  • Clothing
  • Her Father


  • Xemnas
  • Darkness
  • Lacking a Heart
  • Alone

"Like I need your pity, you don't know the feeling of being alone!"

She loved to spend time with her father watching the sunsets and eating ice cream.

The reason she grew so cold and dark, is from her existence continued to die and live.

The only thing that drives her forward, is make those who destroyed her life pay.

The only person she considers her true friend, is Roxas.

Despite coming off as cold, and how she has hurt people. Deep down she only wishes to be her trueself again.

She dreams of a life with a heart again, and to be with people who can see the real her.

Despite not having a heart, she feels happy making friends with others who are like her.

Ruri is pretty cunning, and can plan around things when needed.



Strength 50%

Stamina 60%

Magic 40%

Resistance 80%

Accuracy 50%

Courage 60%

Strategy 80%

Luck 40%

Dark Firaga

Flame of Darkness that burns hotter than regular fire.

Dark Barrage

A dark charge attack, that sends opponents flying back.

Chaos Blade

Charge attack that blinds or bind some foes.

Dark Barrier

It allows the user to block attacks from any direction.

Dark Impulse

The power she learned to control, with her new connection to OG Marina. Tainting and controlling a person with their darkness or dark thoughts. Best used in their moment of weakness.

Dark Curaga

Restores health the same as regular Curaga.




Ruri was born and grew up, in a much earlier time in Twilight Town. During birth her mother past away from illness. So she was raised by her father, Orion Lapis.

Ruri's family life wasn't rich, but both her father and herself got by rather comfortably. She went to the local town school, doing relatively well in her classes.

She didn't know how to make friends, and when she made an attempt to would get pushed away. Often teased for her hair colour and appearance.

In the end not having friends didn't seem to bother her. As she got into her teen years, having her father was the only best friend she needed. Spending all her free time with him, when she wasn't studying.

Not having a set goal for her future, but she had a small dream of being a designer. Feeling this was a perfect way to express what she felt. Without having to tell others.

When she reached the age of 18, she was approached by a strange maiden. The maiden was startled by her appearance. This fateful encounter changed her whole existence.

The Maiden snatched her heart away. When Ruri began fading. Saw the tears and pain in her eyes, seeing such regret overcome them. Her physical form started to fall down into the bowels of darkness. The memory of her existence was also wiped from her father's memory.

Despite falling into the darkness, and not having anyone to pull her back. Something inside her, began to boil. Her anger and rage helped her grip onto what was left of her, and in doing so could feel the pressence of two others. And one name echoed into her mind. 'Marina'.

This Marina, she is the one now who possessed her heart. Ruri refused to vanish, and be an empty shell. This was when she began to travel, through the darkness.

Present Day

Ruri continued to just endlessly walk through the darkness, not knowing where she was going. How much time passed was a lost concept to her. Unknown to her, 100s of years had past.

That one name in her mind, was all that was driving her forward. The one thing that continued to build her endless anger. Eventually when she came across strange creatures. The creatures had yellow glowing eyes, would surround her. Though that's all they seemed to do, stare at her like she wasn't real.

Ruri's anger became all the more rageful, and a power within her unleashed. She destroyed the creatures, which caused her to break the rift through the darkness. Eventually she ended up on a dark beach. Laying there broken.

The concept of time still didn't seem to linger with her anymore. For the first time ever, she almost was planning to give up. But a small flashback of a girl. From another age gone by, outstretched in hand. A strange weapon.

Not caring about anything but she couldn't help but stretch her hand as well. That very same strange weapon appeared within her grasp. The weapon was the shape of a giant key.

She stands up looking at the bizaare weapon, and when she pointed it towards the distance. She opened a strange door, stepping towards it. Not knowing where it would lead, but it was better than staying in this endless darkness.

This was when Ruri found herself, back in her home. But everything was far different. After sometime, she found out what became of her father. She found his grave, for the first time in life. She cried.

From this time on, Ruri was planning to only to live for herself. Any means necessary, she would make the ones who made her suffer pay. And for taking away the life she had.

Present Day

1 year had past by since her escape from the realm of darkness. Ruri began to learn more of what she could do now. The new dark powers, the weapon she came to learn was a 'Keyblade'.

Ruri began to use her powers on people, who were easy to manipulate. Not caring if the person ended up losing themselves to said darkness. She would keep trying to find out the information she needed. Trying to find the one who owned her heart.

During all this time, she would visit her fathers grave. Looking at the only item she still had, a photo of them both. One of the times she still use to smile.

A person in a black cloak slowly walked up behind her. She looked at the man with a frown. The man removed his hood, and introduced himself as Xemnas. He was intrigued by her, saying he'd never came across a nobody such as her.

She pointed her Keyblade towards him, asking what he was talking about. And what he was wanting from her. Xemnas was surprised when he saw her weapon, this was when his interest in her grew.

Xemnas asked for her to join his Organzation. That he has a way to make her feel whole again, that her weapon and powers would be of great use to him. Ruri refused to be someone's tool, and that the only thing that she deserved was her own heart. To her shock thouch, Xemnas overpowered her knocking her unconscious.

She found herself sealed within a cell. Her Keyblade proved extremely useless in this cell. Xemnas told her, that she would stay here until she worked for him. Ruri continued to refuse. A hatred began to overwhelm her.

When 1 year passed by locked up, Ruri would just be silent. The only person who ever came to visit her was man named Axel. Showing pity for her, trying to persuade her to join. Ruri continued to jeer at him.

One day later things changed, a new member of the Organzation stepped towards her prison. He was confused on who she was, asking if he could help her. Ruri screamed out in rage telling him to leave. Furious to be considered anything like him. The boy though continued to come visit her, secretly everyday when the upper members were busy. The boy was called Roxas, and he would tell her of the events each day at work. Ruri always ignored him. Until another day, to her surprise when he visited. He offered her something, that she'd not seen since her youth. He held up two Sea Salt Ice Creams. This was the first time she cried again, since finding out her father was dead. This was the first time, anyone showed her such kindness. Someone considered her someone. The most precious thing Roxas gave her, was her necklace that she refuses to remove. Roxas was the one who eventually broke her free, saying they were escaping. Half way through escaping, Ruri didn't want him getting involved with her further. Telling him that things were better off this way. Not knowing what Roxas's fate. She left till she finally returned to Twilight Town. She went to the old mansion, to get some peace of mind. This was when she came across a mystery girl. 'Namine'. Namine told her about Roxas, and how he had to rejoin his original self. But promised he would be fine. Ruri asked Namine if she knew who 'Marina' was. This was when she finally figured out her true origins. She was recarnated from a Keyblade Wielder from the past, and that person was now replicated into existence with her heart. Ruri's search continued.

Future Day

In the future Ruri realized the sad truth, after all she did to Marina. She could never gain her heart back, and eventually tries to live some kind of normal life.

Having a home again in Twilight Town, and some new form friendship with Roxas, Axel and Xion.

There is a boy she came across in Twilight Town, who kept following her. And even annoying her with Sea Salt Ice Cream.


Orion Lapis



She loved her father very much, it still breaks her knowing he died forgetting her.



Best Friend

Roxas was the first person to show her any kindness. Since the loss of her heart and existence. The necklace she wears was a gift from him.




She wasn't fond of Axel in the Organzation. But later on develops a friendship with him.




They both had a rocky start. But the two did become friends in the future. Both knowing the feeling what it was like to be forgotten.



Love Interest

They randomly met in Twilight Town, he was intrigued by her. Often followed her around, till eventually they develop a bond.




After her escape from the world that never was. Ruri encounted her at the mansion. Telling her what became of Roxas. Begging her to keep him safe. Later on when she is recompleted, the two became friends.




She has a huge hatred towards Lessa. She was the same maiden that day who stole her heart. Never forgiving her for all the pain she went through.



Pure Hatred

She feels nothing but pure hatred towards him. Imprisoning her for 2 years in his castle. She feels no remorse for his demise.

Marina Ayers



Ruri eventually accepts the fact they both will always share a connection. She wished that she could stop feeling the pain Marina feels.